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Alcohol and Injuries

Emergency Department Studies in an International Perspective


Birth Defects Surveillance

Atlas of Selected Congenital Anomalies


Care for Child Development

Improving the Care of Young Children


El cuidado cariñoso y sensible para el desarrollo en la primera infancia

Marco para ayudar a los niños y niñas a sobrevivir y prosperar a fin de transformar la salud y el potencial humano

Lib E-Book

Library E-Books

We are signed up with aggregators who resell networkable e-book editions of our titles to academic libraries. These editions, priced at par with simultaneous hardcover editions of our titles, are not available direct from Stylus.

These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.

Lib E-Book

Library E-Books

We are signed up with aggregators who resell networkable e-book editions of our titles to academic libraries. These editions, priced at par with simultaneous hardcover editions of our titles, are not available direct from Stylus.

These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
