The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is the specialized international health agency for the Americas. Under the leadership of its 52 member countries and territories, PAHO sets regional health priorities, mobilizes action to address health problems and published reports and health guidelines to further those aims. Wearing two institutional hats, PAHO is the specialized health agency of the Inter-American System and also serves as Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Countries of the Americas make progress against trachoma
Countries of the Americas make progress against trachoma Cristina Mitchell
While TB cases continue to rise in the Americas, new innovations promise improvements in early diagnosis and treatment
While TB cases continue to rise in the Americas, new innovations promise improvements in early diagnosis and treatment Cristina Mitchell
PAHO ultra-portable telehealth kit brings specialist primary healthcare services to remote communities in the Americas
PAHO ultra-portable telehealth kit brings specialist primary healthcare services to remote communities in the Americas Cristina Mitchell
Director de la OPS se reúne con el nuevo Secretario General electo de la OEA, Albert Ramdin, para discutir el Sistema Interamericano y las prioridades de salud en las Américas
PAHO Director meets with newly elected OAS Secretary General Albert Ramdin to discuss the Interamerican System and health priorities in the Americas Cristina Mitchell
Director de la OPS subraya la necesidad de abordar los desafíos en salud pública en América Latina y el Caribe y propone soluciones innovadoras
PAHO Director Underscores the Need to Address Public Health Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean and Proposes Innovative Solutions Cristina Mitchell
Nine Latin American and Caribbean countries intensify efforts to curb obesity with PAHO support
Nine Latin American and Caribbean countries intensify efforts to curb obesity with PAHO support Cristina Mitchell
Measles outbreaks in the Americas: PAHO calls for strengthened vaccination and surveillance
Measles outbreaks in the Americas: PAHO calls for strengthened vaccination and surveillance Cristina Mitchell
First ever WHO treaty marks 20 years of saving millions of lives worldwide
First ever WHO treaty marks 20 years of saving millions of lives worldwide Cristina Mitchell
Over $800 million in vaccines, medicines and health technology procured by PAHO’s Regional Revolving Funds in 2024
Over $800 million in vaccines, medicines and health technology procured by PAHO’s Regional Revolving Funds in 2024 Oscar Reyes
PAHO and AECID Strengthen Health Cooperation, Focusing on Cervical Cancer Elimination in the Americas
PAHO and AECID Strengthen Health Cooperation, Focusing on Cervical Cancer Elimination in the Americas Oscar Reyes