The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is the specialized international health agency for the Americas. Under the leadership of its 52 member countries and territories, PAHO sets regional health priorities, mobilizes action to address health problems and published reports and health guidelines to further those aims. Wearing two institutional hats, PAHO is the specialized health agency of the Inter-American System and also serves as Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Featured Reviews
El control de las enfermedades transmisibles Edition 20
"En 1995, cuando era Director de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de los Estados Unidos de América, me solicitaron que enviara un equipo de trabajadores de salud pública a la República Democrática del Congo (entonces Zaire) paracombatir un brote de infección por el virus del Ébola, que en ese momento causó 315 casos y 250 defunciones. Con los colegas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud pudimos poner fin a esa epidemia. Sin embargo, el virus del Ébola volvería una y otra vez. El brote que tuvo lugar en 2014 en África occidental causó más de 20 000 casos y 4000 defunciones.
Podemos aprender mucho de los agentes transmisores de
enfermedades infecciosas. Nos enseñan
el valor de la vigilancia constante y el precio del descuido de la
infraestructura de salud pública. Ponen de relieve las disparidades en
materia de salud y la repercusión de los determinantes sociales de la salud a
nivel mundial, a la vez que nos impulsan a seguir trabajando para lograr la
equidad en salud en todo el mundo. Además, con sus apariciones recurrentes a través del
tiempo, estos microorganismos desarrollan resistencia a algunos de los antibióticos
más potentes. El control de las enfermedades transmisibles non recuerda el
desafío que enfrentamos y nos mantiene actualizados porque presenta los últimos
disponibles para combatir a los agentes transmisores de enfermedades
infecciosas. Es por eso que recibimos con beneplácito esta vigésima
Dr. David Satcher
RSS Feed
Countries of the Americas to have access to the HPV9 vaccine through the PAHO Revolving Fund from mid-2025
Countries of the Americas to have access to the HPV9 vaccine through the PAHO Revolving Fund from mid-2025 Cristina Mitchell 5 Feb 2025
Epidemiological Alert: Increase in Yellow Fever Cases in Latin America
Epidemiological Alert: Increase in Yellow Fever Cases in Latin America Cristina Mitchell 4 Feb 2025
PAHO calls on Latin American and Caribbean countries to improve access to essential cancer medicines and supplies
PAHO calls on Latin American and Caribbean countries to improve access to essential cancer medicines and supplies Cristina Mitchell 3 Feb 2025
New UN Report: 74 percent of Latin American and Caribbean countries are highly exposed to extreme weather events, affecting food security
New UN Report: 74 percent of Latin American and Caribbean countries are highly exposed to extreme weather events, affecting food security Cristina Mitchell 27 Jan 2025
PAHO calls for intensified efforts to address Leprosy and other Neglected Tropical Diseases
PAHO calls for intensified efforts to address Leprosy and other Neglected Tropical Diseases Cristina Mitchell 24 Jan 2025
New PAHO Report on Road Safety Highlights Slow and Uneven Progress in Reducing Traffic Deaths in the Americas
New PAHO Report on Road Safety Highlights Slow and Uneven Progress in Reducing Traffic Deaths in the Americas Cristina Mitchell 22 Jan 2025
PAHO, Argentina, Pfizer, and Sinergium drive local production of 20-valent pneumococcal vaccine for Latin America and the Caribbean
PAHO, Argentina, Pfizer, and Sinergium drive local production of 20-valent pneumococcal vaccine for Latin America and the Caribbean Cristina Mitchell 15 Jan 2025
2024 Vaccination Week in the Americas delivers 65 million doses, protecting millions with Canadian support
2024 Vaccination Week in the Americas delivers 65 million doses, protecting millions with Canadian support Cristina Mitchell 14 Jan 2025
PAHO launches interactive dashboard to monitor avian influenza A(H5N1) in the Americas
PAHO launches interactive dashboard to monitor avian influenza A(H5N1) in the Americas Oscar Reyes 6 Jan 2025
PAHO urges protection of medical facilities and services in Haiti to ensure continued access amid escalating conflict
PAHO urges protection of medical facilities and services in Haiti to ensure continued access amid escalating conflict Oscar Reyes 23 Dec 2024