Accessing eBooks

Which titles will have e-editions?

All Stylus titles that were published starting in 2010 are accessible in electronic form. Selected older titles will be made available as eBooks if sufficient demand arises.

How do I buy eBooks?

When you purchase an eBook from the Stylus website, your eBook will be provided by one of two vendors: RedShelf or VitalSource. Stylus has partnered with these companies to make accessing and using an eBook easier, and they offer additional features such as text-to-voice.

When you make your purchase, the eBook will be added to your existing account, or, if you do not already have an account with this vendor, an account will automatically be created at the vendor’s website. You will receive an email indicating the eBook is in your bookshelf.

The accounts are identified by email address, so if you purchase an eBook from Stylus using an address that is different from the one you use at either vendor, a second account will be created.

If you purchase more than one copy of an eBook, the corresponding amount of access codes will be generated and you can find these by calling up the transaction in your My Orders page on the Stylus website.

We have agreements with many other vendors including, but not limited to, Apple, Barnes & Noble (Nook), Blio, Google Books, Kobo and Amazon. These need to be purchased through their websites or apps.

When buying direct from Stylus through our shopping cart, you will receive one email from the credit card processor (either Amazon Pay or Stripe), acknowledging that your order has been received, and one from Stylus Publishing.

On what devices can I read these files?

Ebooks may be accessed via the website of the vendor you choose. Both have apps for all devices. If you buy from third reseller partner, you will be able to read your eBooks on all devices for which the reseller has an app.

Do Stylus eBooks offer any special features?

Certain titles will include audio or video files, links to websites, or additional textual material not included in the print edition. Not all reader devices support these enhancements. All enhancements are also made available free of charge on the Stylus website so as not to disadvantage print edition buyers.

What if a book is enhanced after I buy it?

You will be notified if we enhance a title after you buy it, and will be given a link from which you can replace the original file without charge. This does not apply to new editions, which count as new titles.

How long do I own my eBook?

Your purchase gives you a perpetual personal license to each title you buy. Exceptions are eBook files provided free on an examination copy or review basis, in which case your access will be limited to 90 days.

Can I retrieve my eBook file if my computer crashes or if I add a new device?

Since your eBook is accessed off the vendor's server, a computer crash will not affect your ability to access your eBook. Both Stylus and all vendors maintain permanent records of your eBook purchases.


eBooks are available through the RedShelf eReader, a cloud-based technology that is accessible across any browser-enabled device. The eReader includes features such as highlighting, flashcards, notes, study guides, offline access and collaboration capabilities.

Single Ebook Purchase

Once your order is complete, you will be shown a link to get the Stylus order details. In Order Details will be the link to your eBook in RedShelf.

If you do not have an existing RedShelf account, you will receive an email giving you a link to this account. If you have any issues with this link or do not receive and email from RedShelf, you can log in  to RedShelf, but you must use the email that is on your order. Use the option to reset the password if you have not used RedShelf before.

Multiple Copies Purchase

If you have purchased more than one copy of an eBook, access codes are generated for each copy of the book. These access codes are available in the transactions at the My Orders page on the Stylus website. The access code can be copied and emailed to the person for whom the book was purchased.

Open My Orders page to get access codes. Redeem access code at RedShelf account to retrieve an eBook. For more detailed, step-by-step instructions, please follow this link.

Sometimes the email with your new account details gets caught in Spam. If you do not receive it, simply go to RedShelf, enter the email address that you used when purchasing the book, and use the Reset Password link provided.


eBooks are available through the Vital Source eReader, a cloud-based technology that is accessible across any browser-enabled device. The eReader includes features such as highlighting, flashcards, notes, study guides, offline access and collaboration capabilities.

Single Ebook Purchase

Once your order is complete, you will be shown a link to get the Stylus order details. In Order Details will be the link to your eBook in Vital Source. Follow this link to read your purchased eBook. Available options to create a new VitalSource account or merge your purchase with an existing account.

Multiple Copies Purchase

If you have purchased more than one copy of an eBook, access codes are generated for each copy of the book. These access codes are available in the transactions at My Orders.

Open your My Orders page to get access codes. Redeem access code at your Vital Source account to retrieve an eBook. For more detailed, step-by-step instructions, please follow this link. The access code can be copied and emailed to the person for whom the book was purchased.