Code Red
Conversations and Solutions for an Educational System in Crisis
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
16th May 2024 - ISBN 9781975506414
- Language English
- Pages 275 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
6th June 2024 - ISBN 9781975506421
- Language English
- Pages 275 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
6th June 2024 - ISBN 9781975506438
- Language English
- Pages 275 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
In schools, a Code Red alert indicates a potential or immediate threat within a building or on a campus and is the signal for a full-scale lockdown of all classrooms. This book, Code Red: Conversations and Solutions for an Educational System in Crisis, presents a variety of voices from teachers, administrators, teacher preparation faculty, college supervisors, and pre-service teacher candidates. These voices are crying “Code Red” because they want a broken system repaired. For them, the system is bleeding, cancerous, and in turmoil, with the expectation that they work under arduous and often dangerous conditions; teachers are underpaid, devalued, exhausted, voiceless, and abused. They face an environment in which politics has replaced learning, students are failing and, in extreme circumstances, walking away from schools or even committing suicide. The political discourse is wrestling control from teachers in certain states. Neurodivergent students are being pushed aside. The altruistic profession of teaching is being reduced to factory work, in which teachers—especially those in their first five years of service—are leaving the profession at staggering rates. The profession itself is at risk of becoming obsolete.
The contributors to Code Red believe that the American educational system has entered a moment of crisis. Their voices need to be heard, and their stories and lived experiences should be recognized. The adage is true: the answer to any problem resides with those who own the problem. We cannot create solutions without owning that these issues exist, and all of America owns the education of our children. Therefore, this book provides a dialogic space where everyone involved in the American educational system can reimagine the possibilities of our system and, through this process, begin creating positive and sustainable changes to bring our system out of crisis. In addition to providing a vivid picture of the current state of public schools, the book offers real solutions that can be used to produce healthier, more successful classrooms. It is an invaluable tool for instructors, pre-service teachers, and Colleges of Education administrators.
Perfect for courses such as: Introductory Education; Undergraduate Social and Cultural Foundations of Education; Introductory Educational Leadership; Introductory Undergraduate Teacher Preparation; Graduate Foundations of Education; and Introductory MAT Graduate
"Code Red: Conversations and Solutions for an Educational System in Crisis is a must read for public and private school educators, administrators, education faculty, parents and anyone interested in improving the state of education in the 21st century. The book serves as a guide to current issues and challenges in education, including such salient topics as school violence, teacher retention, educator burnout, and inclusivity. I highly recommend the book for those interested in exploring the issues and possible solutions concerning educational systems which are in conflict and crisis today!"
Jerry Aldridge, Professor Emeritus of Education, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
"Code Red: Conversations and Solutions for an Educational System in Crisis is a must read for all educators, community leaders, School Board members, and education policy makers. This book will help every reader understand what the experience of school is like in the second decade of the 21st Century for students, teachers, and principals. It is an honest portrayal of the myriad ways that schools and the policies and procedures which govern schools are broken and breaking those who work within schools. But it also provides a portrait of the possible and gives us hope. From my experience working with schools and school leaders, hope is in short supply. These short engaging essays, readable, compelling and accessible to all knowledge and experience levels, are a first start."
Elizabeth Altieri, Ph.D., Professor, School of Teacher Education and Leadership and Co-Director, Virginia Inclusive Practices Center at Radford University
“Code Red: Conversations and Solutions for an Educational System in Crisis is a must read for all Americans. As the ‘Introduction’ asserts, we are all responsible for the education of our children. Schools are microcosms of society at large, therefore any dilemma or crisis that influences society also affects schools. In both arenas, we must critically analyze our current practices to plan how we move forward. As someone who both teaches high school and trains future teachers, I recognize the influence of standardized testing, technology, social and mainstream media, political involvement, parental disengagement, and many of the other challenges mentioned in the book. This book shines a light on many issues that society is not talking about and how those issues affect the reality of our current educational system. Indeed, it is a Code Red.”
Vincent W. Youngbauer PhD, Bibb County School District
Introduction by Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell
Part I
Chapter 1
Code Red by Joseph R. Jones
Chapter 2
“We Don’t Talk about Bruno:” Seeing the Needs of Our Neurodivergent Students and Their Families by Lindsay Tisdale Harrell
Chapter 3
Trauma-Informed Colleagues by Jennifer Medgull
Chapter 4
Paper and Pencil, The Building Blocks of Learning by Rebecca Doyle
Chapter 5
Speaking a Truth: Interview with a Veteran Educator by Joseph R. Jones
Chapter 6
Teachers Have Lost Their Voices by Michael Jeffcoat
Chapter 7
A Voice from the Field by Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell
Chapter 8
Technology and Its Effects on Student Behavior by Jadziah Ogletree
Chapter 9
From Chemist to Educator: Navigating an Unconventional Path to Education Innovation by Tenecia Powe
Chapter 10
No Longer Part of the Problem by Jessica Traylor
Chapter 11
Nobility and Salaries: A Reciprocity of Value by Joseph R. Jones
Chapter 12
So, You’re a New Teacher: Bless Your Heart! by Julie Little and Randall Brookins
Part II
Chapter 13
Creating Professional Learning Opportunities for Our Teachers by Noah Lawton Harrell
Chapter 14
Tough Customers by Emily Salmon
Chapter 15
If You Watch Sports, Then You Want Instructional Coaches by Jennifer Medgull
Chapter 16
All In and Burned Out: Why Principals Are Leaving by Adam Dovico
Chapter 17
Instruction, Identity, and Inclusivity: What Can Teacher Preparation Programs Learn from Gay Male Teachers in the South? by Joseph R. Jones
Chapter 18
Superhumans: Student Teachers in a Time of Crisis by Erinn Bentley
Chapter 19
Promoting Student Engagement and Enhancing Outcomes Through Community Involvement by Noah Lawton Harrell
Chapter 20
Pressing Issues and Contemporary Concerns by Fran Dundore
Chapter 21
Violence in Schools by Forrest R. Parker III
Chapter 22
Recruiting Teacher Candidates from Marginalized Groups by Stephen Raynie
Chapter 23
From Great Challenge Comes Great Gain: Promoting Collaborative Planning in K-12 Schools by Noah Lawton Harrell
Chapter 24
Schools in Crisis: The Importance of Social-Emotional Learning in the Lives of Rural Middle School Students by Kraig Howell
Chapter 25
The Unique Needs of Generation Z in the Educational Work Environment by Nila Burt and Joseph R. Jones
About the Authors
Joseph R. Jones
Joseph R. Jones, Ph.D. is a Professor of Education and qualitative researcher whose research resides within a critical theory paradigm. His research primarily examines inclusivity within educational environments, specifically heteronormativity. He is the recipient of several awards including the 2017 Stonewall Service Award from CCCC/NCTE. He is also the recipient of the Georgia Council of Teachers of English 2020 Teacher of the Year Award.
Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell
Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell has a master’s degree in English with Teacher Preparation and a PhD in English. Her research focus began with Emily Dickinson and then moved to Appalachian Studies. For the last decade, her scholarship efforts have centered on excellence in teaching and learning.
Julie A. Little
Julie Little, EdD is an Assistant Professor of Education. She spent 20 years as a K-12 educator in Special and General Education; she now teaches Special Education courses to teacher candidates. Julie’s research interests include ungrading, relational pedagogy, service learning, and utilizing the Principles of Universal Design (UD) for Learning in higher education.