W. Kyle Ingle


William Kyle Ingle (Ph.D., Florida State University) is Professor of P-12 Educational Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development at the University of Louisville. Prior to his academic appointment at the University of Louisville, Dr. Ingle served as Associate Professor and Program Coordinator for the Master’s program in Educational Administration and Supervision at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Before beginning his doctoral studies, Dr. Ingle was employed by the Jackson County (Mississippi) School District. His research interests include human resource functions in education, the politics of education, and economic evaluations of education programs. His research has been published in journals, including: American Educational Research Journal, American Journal of Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Education and Urban Society, Education Finance and Policy, Educational Policy, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, Leadership and Policy in Schools, Midwestern Educational Researcher, Policy Studies Journal, the Journal of Educational Administration, the Journal of Education Finance, the Journal of Education Policy, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, and the Journal of School Leadership.

Author's Books

The Coming of Age of the Education Doctorate Series

Innovation and Impact

The Origins and Elements of EdD Program Excellence


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