Stephanie Smith Budhai
Stephanie Smith Budhai, Ph.D. is an associate clinical professor at Drexel University School of Education’s CPED award-winning Education Doctorate in Leadership and Management Program. Stephanie has spent over a decade supporting scholarly practitioners as they journey through their doctoral studies and has supervised dozens of EdD dissertations. Stephanie is the founding co-host of the Drexel EdD IMPACT podcast, which highlights alums who have leveraged their EdDs to lead socially justice practices in their professional fields. Stephanie is also on the CPED Online/Hybrid CIG leadership team and co-chairs the Culture and Climate Committee for the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education. Stephanie has published myriad books and articles, most recently Culturally Responsive Teaching Online and In-Person: An Action Planner for Dynamic Equitable Learning Environments and Casting a Wider Net: Incorporating Black Feminist Theory to Support EdD Students’ Epistemological Stance Development in Research Methods Courses.
Author's Books
The IMPACT of the Scholarly Practitioner Doctorate
Developing Socially-Just Leaders to Make Equitable Change
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