Michael Odell


Michael R.L. Odell, Ph.D. is a Professor of STEM and holds a joint appointment in the College of Education and Psychology and the College of Engineering. He is the co-Founder of the University of Texas at Tyler University Academy Laboratory Schools and is the School of Education Faculty member that oversees the school model and the curriculum. He also serves on the school board. In the School of education he is the CPED affiliated Co-Coordinator for the Ed.D. in School Improvement program and the Co-Director of the UTeach STEM Teacher Preparation Program. He has been instrumental in implementing innovative program including the UTeach STEM Teacher Preparation program replication, which has doubled the number of STEM teachers produced by the university. Dr. Odell was instrumental in growing the research enterprise at UT Tyler and in the College of Education. In addition to his faculty appointment, Dr. Odell has held several administrative positions at UT Tyler including the Director of the School of Education and the Vice President for Sponsored Research.

Author's Books

The How and Why of Laboratory Schools

Innovations and Success Stories in Teacher Preparation and Student Learning


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