Kathleen M. Clark
Kathleen M. Clark, DNP is an Associate Professor of Nursing and the Executive Director of the Augsburg Health Commons. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and both a Masters of Art in Transcultural Nursing and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Transcultural Leadership from Augsburg University. She began her career at Augsburg in 2009 and has focused her scholarship and teaching efforts on caring for marginalized populations, developing experiential learning experiences to center the learning moments on people with lived experiences voices, and creating changes to address health inequities. She has led and expanded the university’s efforts at the Augsburg Health Commons, which are nurse-led drop-in centers located in local communities that care for marginalized populations such as people experiencing homelessness, poverty, and immigration. Katie currently also serves on the Mission and Identity Division at Augsburg.
Author's Books
Radical Roots
How One Professor Changed a University's Legacy
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