Louise Ferguson


Dr. Louise Ferguson’s research interests and expertise lie in general production physiology of pistachios, olives, citrus, figs, persimmons, and pomegranates with primary focus on basic and applied research in growth, phenology, and salinity tolerance of pistachios, evaporative mechanical harvesting of young pistachios, mechanical pruning and harvesting of table olives, including abscission agents, and effect of mulching and irrigation practices on citrus mandarin production.

Dr. Ferguson is President-Elect of the American Society for Horticultural Science (2019), and she is also acclaimed for agricultural development work in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan. She works with Cooperative Extension farm advisors and growers throughout California to establish research and outreach programs that support the fruit and nut industry.

Author's Books

Botany, Production and Uses Series

The Fig

Botany, Production and Uses
