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Featured Reviews
Managing Risk in Agriculture
A Development Perspective
"Over time, agricultural production practices have evolved, as have the markets and value chains for food and agricultural products. A constant consideration, however, and one that continues to define agriculture worldwide, is risk. The risks that impinge on agriculture come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, production risks are ubiquitous. But so are market risks. And the same is true for macroeconomic and financial risks and the risks associated with an evolving climate. This book will be a valuable, comprehensive resource for any applied economist desiring to understand the risk management principles relevant to modern food and agricultural systems."
Matthew Holt, Prof. and head of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA
"Profusely illustrated and offering a listing of all the contributors and their credentials, Feline Reproduction is comprise of twenty-eight erudite, expert and informative articles that collectively cover all aspects of the subject.... unreservedly recommended for veterinary clinic, college and university library Feline Studies collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists."
Library Bookwatch
“In summary, this very readable book will be of interest not only to nematologists and C. elegans specialists who want to broaden their perspectives on how nematodes have impacted various fields, but also to other biologists, medical scientists, pharmacologists, educators, naturalists, and citizen scientists who want to feed their curiosity about many of life’s mysteries and how they are being addressed through the vast and growing toolkit provided by nematodes.”
The Quarterly Review of Biology
Temperate Agroforestry Systems Edition 2
"It gives a good starting point for brainstorming new systems for a given region that can draw explicitly on the lessons learned in other temperate regions. In many chapters, the discussions of systems are complex and thorough (e.g. UK, Europe and Indian Himalayan Region). In others, they describe previously unsuggested, novel systems (e.g. Chile) that are just now being developed."
Kyle Rose, PhD., New Mexico Highlands University
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