Hilton Kelly


In 2022, Hilton Kelly became the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Education at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. For most of his career, Kelly has been a Professor of Educational Studies and Africana Studies, and Chair of the Educational Studies Department at Davidson College. He received his B.A. in history from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and both his M.S. in labor studies and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His research and teaching interests include sociology of education, critical race theory, the Age of Jim Crow, the lives, work, and careers of African-American educators, and social memory studies. In 2010, he published Race, Remembering, and Jim Crow’s Teachers in the Routledge Studies in African-American History and Culture Series. His articles have appeared in Urban Education, Educational Studies, The Urban Review, The Journal of Negro Education, The American Sociologist, and Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography. In 2018, he served as the President of the American Educational Studies Association.

Author's Books

Thinking About Black Education

An Interdisciplinary Reader


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