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Ethnic Studies Revival

The mission of Ethnic Studies Revival Series is to present volumes of current research and work focused on praxis and the effective implementation of critical ethnic studies educational experiences in diasporic communities of color and Indigenous communities while making connections between the local, national, and transnational settings. The book series seeks to provide an interdisciplinary intellectual space that inspires educators in schools and outside-of-schools to transform inequities based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, ability, class, and the intersections among them, while advancing visions of social, political, economic justice, and decolonial understandings of the global world. In particular, the series amplifies transformative ethnic studies models that seek to affirm the intellectual, social, racial, ethnic, and cultural being of ALL diverse groups [such as, but not limited to Pan African Americans, Pan Asian American, Indigenous Americans, Latinas/o/xs, Arab Americans, and Muslim Americans]. The book series draws attention to these groups’ intersectional identities, histories, plights, and contributions and educators’ dynamic roles in advancing efforts to pluralize the curriculum and instruction reflective of the diverse educational and social expectations of all learners in democratic schools and societies.

Ethnic Studies Revival Series

Repertoires of Racial Resistance

Pedagogical Dreaming in Transborder Educational Spaces


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