Timely Classics in Education Series 1 Read Description

Democracy and Education by John Dewey

With a Critical Introduction by Patricia H. Hinchey

March 2018
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    13th March 2018
  • ISBN 9781975500207
  • Language English
  • Pages 400 pp.
  • Size 5.5" x 8"
  •    Request Exam Copy
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May 2018
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    2nd May 2018
  • ISBN 9781975500214
  • Language English
  • Pages 400 pp.
  • Size 5.5" x 8"

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May 2018
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    2nd May 2018
  • ISBN 9781975500221
  • Language English
  • Pages 400 pp.
  • Size 5.5" x 8"
  •    Request E-Exam Copy

Some hundred years after John Dewey worked to illuminate what it means to educate and how public education serves as the bedrock of democracy, his seminal Democracy and Education speaks urgently not only to critical contemporary educational issues but to contemporary political issues as well. As mania for testing forces a steadily narrowing curriculum, Dewey explains why democracy cannot “flourish” if “the chief influences in selecting subject matter of instruction are utilitarian ends narrowly conceived for the masses.” As such utilitarian subject matter is increasingly placed online, isolating individual students and their electronic screens, he insists that education happens not through direct instruction but “indirectly by means of the environment” where members of a community engage in meaningful tasks. As the American population appears increasingly subject to rhetorical manipulation and ideological extremism, Dewey imagines the possibility of education cultivating “habits of mind which secure social changes without introducing disorder.” Insightful and inspiring, Dewey’s classic reintroduces readers to educational and political possibilities hard to remember as political and corporate forces to work reshape American public schools in the service of global profit rather than democratic life.

Myers Education Press’s Timely Classics in Education offer readers the opportunity to return to the original works of giants whose influence on education have persisted through the years. Critical introductions to each work offer information on the context of the original work as well as insights into current relevance. For readers unfamiliar with each text, the introductions provide entrée to the work; for experienced readers, the series offers an opportunity to return to original works untainted by the distortions of decades of interpretation. Unlike poorly produced facsimile editions, Timely Classics are high-quality products. They can be adopted for use in many types of education classes.

Perfect for courses in: Social Foundations of Education, Political and Social Foundations of Education, Foundations of American Education, Foundations of Education, Introduction to Education Theory and Policy, Philosophy and Education, History of American Education, and The Philosophy of John Dewey. 

Introduction by Patricia H. Hinchey

i. Education as a Necessity of Life
1. Renewal of Life by Transmission
2. Education and Communication
3. The Place of Formal Education

ii. Education as a Social Function
1. The Nature and Meaning of Environment
2. The Social Environment
3. The Social Medium as Educative
4. The School as a Special Environment

iii. Education as Direction
1. The Environment as Directive
2. Modes of Social Direction
3. Imitation and Social Psychology
4. Some Applications to Education

iv. Education as Growth
1. The Conditions of Growth
2. Habits as Expressions of Growth
3. The Educational Bearings of the Conception of Development

v. Preparation, Unfolding, and Formal Discipline
1. Education as Preparation
2. Education as Unfolding
3. Education as Training of Faculties

vi. Education as Conservative and Progressive
1. Education as Formation
2. Education as Recapitulation and Retrospection
3. Education as Reconstruction

vii. The Democratic Conception in Education
1. The Implications of Human Association
2. The Democratic Ideal
3. The Platonic Educational Philosophy
4. The “Individualistic” Ideal of the Eighteenth Century
5. Education as National and as Social

viii. Aims in Education
1. The Nature of an Aim
2. The Criteria of Good Aims
3. Applications in Education

ix. Natural Development and Social Efficiency as Aims
1. Nature as Supplying the Aim
2. Social Efficiency as Aim
3. Culture as Aim

x. Interest and Discipline
1. The Meaning of the Terms
2. The Importance of the Idea of Interest in Education
3. Some Social Aspects of the Question

xi. Experience and Thinking
1. The Nature of Experience
2. Reflection in Experience

xii. Thinking in Education
1. The Essentials of Method

xiii. The Nature of Method
1. The Unity of Subject Matter and Method
2. Method as General and as Individual
3. The Traits of Individual Method

xiv. The Nature of Subject Matter
1. Subject Matter of Educator and of Learner
2. The Development of Subject Matter in the Learner
3. Science or Rationalized Knowledge
4. Subject Matter as Social

xv. Play and Work in the Curriculum
1. The Place of Active Occupations in Education
2. Available Occupations
3. Work and Play

xvi. The Significance of Geography and History
1. Extension of Meaning of Primary Activities
2. The Complementary Nature of History and
3. History and Present Social Life

xvii. Science in the Course of Study
1. The Logical and the Psychological
2. Science and Social Progress
3. Naturalism and Humanism in Education

xviii. Educational Values
1. The Nature of Realization or Appreciation
2. The Valuation of Studies
3. The Segregation and Organization of Values

xix. Labor and Leisure
1. The Origin of the Opposition
2. The Present Situation

xx. Intellectual and Practical Studies
1. The Opposition of Experience and True Knowledge
2. The Modern Theory of Experience and Knowledge
3. Experience as Experimentation

xxi. Physical and Social Studies: Naturalism and Humanism
1. The Historic Background of Humanistic Study
2. The Modern Scientific Interest in Nature
3. The Present Educational Problem

xxii. The Individual and the World
1. Mind as Purely Individual
2. Individual Mind as the Agent of Reorganization
3. Educational Equivalents

xxiii. Vocational Aspects of Education
1. The Meaning of Vocation
2. The Place of Vocational Aims in Education
3. Present Opportunities and Dangers

xxiv. Philosophy of Education
1. A Critical Review
2. The Nature of Philosophy

xxv. Theories of Knowledge
1. Continuity versus Dualism
2. Schools of Method

xxvi. Theories of Morals
1. The Inner and Outer
2. The Opposition of Duty and Interest
3. Intelligence and Character
4. The Social and the Moral

About the Text
About the Series

John Dewey

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Education; Philosophy; Dewey; Democracy; Educational Philosophy; Education and democracy; Progressive education; education reform; history of education; Goals of education