SAP Transaction Codes
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
8th March 2016 - ISBN 9781944534561
- Language English
- Pages 300 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
8th March 2016 - ISBN 9781683923145
- Language English
- Pages 300 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
29th February 2016 - ISBN 9781944534660
- Language English
- Pages 300 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
SAP Transaction Codes is a useful reference for end users of the SAP business software, as well as those implementing and/or maintaining the SAP application. The book lists approximately 3800 of the most frequently used transaction codes available in the SAP system. It will enable a user to quickly identify the most popular T-codes within a functional module, such as finance, controlling, materials management, human resources, payroll, quality management, etc. Also, when the T-code is known, it can help identify the associated module.
SAP Transaction Codes also contains three step-by-step procedures, which demonstrate how to execute a transaction using the T-code shortcut method, how to determine the menu tree when the T-code is known, and how to use the menu tree for executing a transaction.
• Includes approximately 3800 of the most frequently used transaction codes available in the SAP software system
• Enables the user to quickly identify the most popular T-codes within a functional module, such as finance (SAP FI), controlling (SAP CO) materials management, human resources, payroll, quality management, etc.
• Demonstrates how to execute a transaction using the T-code shortcut method, how to determine the menu tree when the T-code is known, and how to use the menu tree for executing a transaction
• Covers the latest versions of SAP
• Shows an alphabetical listing of T-codes along with their associated modules and the procedures for executing a transaction code either through the shortcut method or the menu
Arshad Khan
Arshad Khan is a professor at the University of California, San Diego and previously co-authored the best-selling title Stock Investing for Everyone: Tools For Investing Like The Pros. He has also authored titles on business intelligence, data warehousing, and SAP.