Essentials of Physics Series Series Read Description

The Special Theory of Relativity

May 2016
More details
  • Publisher
    Mercury Learning and Information
  • Published
    18th May 2016
  • ISBN 9781942270720
  • Language English
  • Pages 314 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  •    Request Exam Copy
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May 2016
More details
  • Publisher
    Mercury Learning and Information
  • Published
    18th May 2016
  • ISBN 9781683923190
  • Language English
  • Pages 314 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"

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May 2016
More details
  • Publisher
    Mercury Learning and Information
  • Published
    5th May 2016
  • ISBN 9781944534387
  • Language English
  • Pages 314 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  •    Request E-Exam Copy

This book concentrates on presenting the theory of special relativity as the geometry of space-time. The presentation is straightforward, complete and reader-friendly, with explanatory asides, that give historical context and links with other branches of physics and mathematics. The first four chapters give a complete description of the special theory and the nature of space and time, with the minimum use of mathematics. The mathematics necessary is introduced in the following five chapters, with the final fifteen chapters devoted to a comprehensive and detailed exposition of Einstein’s special relativity.

* Concentrates on presenting the theory of special relativity as the geometry of space-time
* The presentation is straightforward, complete and reader-friendly, with explanatory asides, which give historical context and links with other branches of physics and mathematics

1. An Overview Of The Theory Of Special Relativity
2. The Results Of Special Relativity Without Detailed Explanation
3. Special Relativity In Physics
4. The Nature Of Space
5. Physical Constants
6. Numbers
7. Comments On Matrices
8. Introduction To Finite Groups
9. Trigonometric Functions
10. Introduction To Vectors
11. The Nature Of Velocity
12. Simultaneity
13. The Lorentz Transformation
14. Velocity And Acceleration Transformations
15. The Nature Of Straight Lines And The Twin Paradox
16. 4–Vectors
17. 4-Momentum And Relativistic Mass
18. Doing It With Matrices
19. Electromagnetism
20. Quaternions
21. Electromagnetism With Quaternions
22. 4-Dimensional Space-Time And The Lorentz Group
23. The Expanding Universe And The Cosmic Background Radiation
24. Concluding Remarks

Dennis Morris

Dennis Morris has spent over two decades researching the nature of empty space and time. He is at the forefront of this area of theoretical physics. He is also the author of works on finite group spaces and higher dimensional algebras of those spaces.