Food and Financial Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa

Origins, Impacts and Policy Implications

Edited by Muna B. Ndulo and David R. Lee
March 2012
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    1st March 2012
  • ISBN 9781845938284
  • Language English
  • Pages 304 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images figures

Dramatic increases in food prices, as witnessed on a global scale in recent years, threaten the food security of hundreds of millions of the rural poor in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. This book focuses on recent food and financial crises as they have affected Africa, illustrating the problems using country case studies that cover their origins, effects on agriculture and rural poverty, their underlying factors and making recommendations as to how such crises could best be addressed in the future.

"In conclusion, this book provides good and useful insights in various aspects of the food and financial crises in SSA. In particular, readers looking for an introduction to specific aspects of the crises in SSA will appreciate the effort made. While reading the chapters,
one must realize however that the economic downturns described in the book are not completely behind us. Some aspects of the crises might also be seen in a new perspective as the longitude and structural aspects of the crises have become more – but not entirely – clear."

Jan Brusselaers, University of Gent, Belgium - , International Journal of Agricultural Management

1. Africa's Dual Crises: The Food and Financial Crises and their Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa-Introduction and Overview
2. The Global Food and Financial Crises and the Poor in Africa
3. Food Prices and Economic Crises: Causes and Consequences for Food Security in Developing Countries
4. Future Challenges for the World Food Economy and Sub-Saharan Africa: Major Environmental and Socioeconomic Drivers of Change
5. Here We Go Again: The Abiding Structure of Financial Crisis- And What To Do about It
6. The Food and Financial Crises and Complex Derivatives: A Tale of High Stakes Innovation and Diversification
7. Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa
8. Are Staple Foods Becoming More Expensive for Urban Consumers in Eastern and Southern Africa? Trends in Food Prices, Marketing Margins and Wage Rates in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia
9. The Short-Term Impact of the 2008 Food Price Shock on Poverty in Uganda
10. The Likely Impact of Food Price Increases on Nutritionally Vulnerable Households in South Africa
11. Africa's Turnaround: From Crisis to Opportunity in African Agriculture
12. The Role of Public Policies and Policy Makers in Africa: Responding to Global Economic Crises
13. Lessons of the Food and Financial Crises: Renewing Sub-Saharan Africa's Commitment to Food Security and Economic Growth

Muna B. Ndulo

Muna B. Ndulo is at Cornell University.

David R. Lee

David R. Lee teaches at Cornell University.