Realizing Africa's Rice Promise

November 2013
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    21st November 2013
  • ISBN 9781845938123
  • Language English
  • Pages 480 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

At a time when Africa's food security stands threatened, Realizing Africa's Rice Promise provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art research and recommendations for dealing with future challenges. With contributions from the key scientists working on rice in Africa, this volume addresses policy, genetic diversity and improvement, sustainable productivity enhancement, innovations and value chains. The book is useful for researchers, policy makers, agricultural ministries, donors, regional and sub-regional organizations, non-governmental development organizations and universities.

Foreword, Papa A. Seck
Introduction, Marco C.S. Wopereis

Section 1: Rice in Africa: An Overview
1. From WARDA to AfricaRice: An Overview of Rice Research for Development Activities Conducted in Partnership in Africa, Eric Tollens, Matty Demont, Moussa Sié, Aliou Diagne, Kazuki Saito and Marco C.S. Wopereis

2. Africa’s Rice Economy Before and After the 2008 Rice Crisis, Papa Abdoulaye Seck, Ali A. Touré, Jeanne Y. Coulibaly, Aliou Diagne and Marco C.S. Wopereis

3. Estimation of Cultivated Area, Number of Farming Households and Rice Yield for Major Rice-growing Environments in Africa, Aliou Diagne, Eyram Amovin-Assagba, Koichi Futakuchi and Marco C.S. Wopereis

4. Farmer Perceptions of the Biophysical Constraints to Rice Production in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Potential Impact of Research, Aliou Diagne, Didier Y. Alia, Eyram Amovin-Assagba, Marco C.S. Wopereis and Kazuki Saito

Section 2: Rice Genetic Diversity and Improvement
5. A Continent-wide, Product-oriented Approach to Rice Breeding in Africa, Takashi Kumashiro, Koichi Futakuchi, Moussa Sié, Marie-Noëlle Ndjiondjop and Marco C.S. Wopereis

6. Rice Varietal Release Systems in Africa, Kayodi Abiola Sanni, Ali A. Touré, Aliou Diagne, Fatimata Bachabi, Rosemary Murori, Rakesh Kumar Singh and Moussa Sié

7. Diversity of Rice and Related Wild Species in Africa, Kayodi Abiola Sanni, Daniel D. Tia, David K. Ojo, Ayoni S. Ogunbayo, Mouritala Sikirou and N. Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton

8. Gene Flow in African Rice Farmers’ Fields, Edwin Nuijten and Paul Richards

9. Making Rice Genomics Work for Africa, Susan McCouch, Rod A. Wing, Mandè Semon, Ramaiah Venuprasad, Gary Atlin, Mark E. Sorrells and Jean-Luc Jannink

10. Unlocking the Oryza glaberrima Treasure for Rice Breeding in Africa, Mathias Lorieux, Andrea Garavito, Julie Bouniol, Andres Gutiérrez, Marie-Noëlle Ndjiondjop, Romain Guyot, Cesar Pompilio Martinez, Joe Tohme And Alain Ghesquière

11. Rice Genetic Improvement for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Africa, Khady N. Dramé, Baboucarr Manneh and Abdelbagi M. Ismail

12. Integration of Molecular Markers in Rice Improvement: A Case Study on Resistance to Rice yellow mottle virus, Marie-Noëlle Ndjiondjop, Laurence Albar, Mounirou Sow, Nasser Yao, Gustave Djedatin, Deless Thiemélé and Alain Ghesquière

13. Hybrid Rice in Africa: Challenges and Prospects, Raafat A. El-Namaky and Matty Demont

14. Development of an Integrated Rice Seed Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: Meeting the Needs of Farmers, Amadou M. Bèye, Thomas Remington, Marco C.S. Wopereis and Aliou Diagne

Section 3: Sustainable Productivity Enhancement
15. Towards a Better Understanding of Biophysical Determinants of Yield Gaps and the Potential for Expansion of the Rice Area in Africa, Kazuki Saito, Andrew Nelson, Sander J. Zwart, Abibou Niang, Abdoulaye Sow, Hiroe Yoshida and Marco C.S. Wopereis

16. Managing Weeds of Rice in Africa, Jonne Rodenburg and David E. Johnson

17. Managing the Major Diseases of Rice in Africa, Yacouba Séré, Denis Fargette, Myimaorga Emanuel Abo, Kirstin Wydra, Mohamed Bimerew, Amos Onasanya and Salomon Kofi Akator

18. Managing Insect Pests of Rice in Africa, Francis E. Nwilene, Souleymane Nacro, Manuele Tamo, Philippe Menozzi, Elvis A. Heinrichs, Abdoulaye Hamadoun, Dona Dakouo, Cyrille Adda and Abou Togola

19. Bird Damage to Rice in Africa: Evidence and Control, Yann de Mey and Matty Demont

20. Increasing Rice Productivity Through Improved Nutrient Use in Africa, Stephan M. Haefele, Kazuki Saito, Kabirou M. N’Diaye, Frank Mussgnug, Andrew Nelson and Marco C.S. Wopereis

21. Assessing and Improving Water Productivity of Irrigated Rice Systems in Africa, Sander J. Zwart

22. Inland Valleys: Africa’s Future Food Baskets, Jonne Rodenburg

Section 4: Rice Value Chain Development
23. Consumer Preferences for Rice in Africa, Pieter Rutsaert, Matty Demont and Wim Verbeke

24. Tailoring African Rice Value Chains to Consumers, Matty Demont and David Neven

25. Improving Grain Quality of Locally Produced Rice in Africa, Koichi Futakuchi, John Manful and Takeshi Sakurai

26. Developing Competitive Rice Value Chains, J. Dirck Stryker

27. Mechanizing Africa’s Rice Sector, Joseph Rickman, Jean Moreira, Martin Gummert and Marco C.S. Wopereis

Section 5: Working with Rice Communities
28. Integrating Gender Considerations in Rice Research for Development in Africa, Afiavi Agboh-Noameshie, Abdoulaye Kabore and Michael Misiko

29. Towards a New Approach for Understanding Interactions of Technology with Environment and Society in Small-scale Rice Farming, Edwin Nuijten, Marina Temudo, Paul Richards, Florent Okry, Béla Teeken, Alfred Mokuwa and Paul C. Struik

30. Innovative and Effective Ways to Enhance Rural Learning in Africa, Paul Van Mele, Jonas Wanvoeke, Josephine Rodgers and Blythe McKay

31. Raising Rice Yields and Beyond: An Experience of Collective Learning and Innovation in Lowland Rice Systems in Madagascar, Toon Defoer and Marco C.S. Wopereis

Section 6: Rice in Africa: Looking Ahead
32. Impact of Rice Research on Income, Poverty and Food Security in Africa: An Ex-ante Analysis, Aliou Diagne, Didier Y. Alia, Marco C.S. Wopereis, Kazuki Saito and Papa Abdoulaye Seck

33. Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise: Priorities for Action, Marco C.S. Wopereis, Aliou Diagne, David E. Johnson and Papa Abdoulaye Seck

Marcos C. S. Wopereis

Marcos C. S. Wopereis is at AfricaRice, Republic of Benin.

David Johnson

David Johnson is at the International Rice Research Institute.

Eric Tollens

Eric Tollens is at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

Abdullai Jalloh

Abdullai Jalloh is with the Conference of African and French Leaders of Agricultural Research Institutes.

Nourollah Ahmadi

Nourollah Ahmadi Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad), France.