African Smallholders

Food Crops, Markets and Policy

February 2011
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    10th February 2011
  • ISBN 9781845937164
  • Language English
  • Pages 304 pp.
  • Size 6.25" x 9.75"
  • Images 37 illus

Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa is predominantly a rural and agricultural phenomenon. The large majority of all poor are farmers and herders, therefore as long as the poor remain smallholders, alleviation of poverty remains an agricultural task. African Smallholders documents the farm-level effects of agricultural policies, focusing on a variety of themes including micro-credit, infrastructure, cash crop production and food security. To deepen our understanding of agricultural development it discusses staple food production in sub-Saharan Africa and its response to changing geo-political, macro-economic and agricultural policy. It is a useful resource for all those researching or involved with food security, agricultural and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa.

1. Introduction

Part I: Comparative Analysis
2. From Maputo Declaration to Global Financial Crisis
3. Macro trends Among the Afrint Countries
4. Production and Productivity of Food Crops, 2002 to 2008
5. Drivers of Staple Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa - Evidence for Maize from Eight Countries 2002 to 2008
6. Maize Remittances, Markets and Smallholder Livelihoods in Africa

Part II: Country case studies
7. Ethiopia
8. Ghana
9. Kenya
10. Malawi
11. Nigeria
12. Tanzania
13. Uganda
14. Zambia
15. Mozambique
16. Conclusion

G. Durfeldt

G. Durfeldt is at Lund University, Sweden.

Ernest Aryeetey

Ernest Aryeetey is at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, Ghana.

Aida Isinika

Aida Isinika is at Sokoine University of Agrciulture, Tanzania.