Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series Series 9

Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones

Food Production, Communities and Environment at the Land-Water Interface

August 2010
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    24th August 2010
  • ISBN 9781845936181
  • Language English
  • Pages 496 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images 122 illus

Tropical coastal deltas represent one of the most diverse and rapidly changing biophysical regions in the developing world. These deltas are home to large populated areas, are significant centers of agricultural production and industrial development, and contain fragile ecosystems that are now facing new threats as a result of expected sea-level rises associated with global warming. Focusing on the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America, chapters explore the diverse livelihoods of people in these areas and the impact of land-water management on the environment. New techniques and methodologies are explored in land and water management to try and solve the conflicts between rice-based agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and the environment in tropical delta regions, illustrating how to protect tropical deltaic systems in the face of serious future challenges.

Part 1: Introduction
1.Policy, Planning and Management at the Land-Water Interface.

Part 2: Aquaculture and Fisheries
2.Aquatic Resources and Environmental Variability in Bac Lieu Province (Southern Vietnam).
3.Integrating Aquaculture in Coastal River Planning: The Case of Dagupan City, Philippines.
4.Evolution of Shrimp Aquaculture Systems in the Coastal Zones of Bangladesh and Vietnam: A Comparison.
5.Ecological Risk Assessment of an Alien Aquatic Species: A Case Study of Litopenaeus vannamei (Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp) Aquaculture in the Bangpakong River, Thailand.
6.Ability of Litopenaeus vannamei to Survive and Compete with Local Marine Shrimp Species in the Bangpakong River, Thailand
7.Improving the Productivity of Rice-Shrimp Systems in the Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh.
8.Zooplankton Dynamics and Appropriate Management Approach for Blue-swimming Crab in Kung Krabaen Bay, Thailand.
9.Rebuilding Resilient Shrimp Aquaculture in Southeast Asia: Disease Management, Coastal Ecology and Decision Making.
10.Integrated Management of Aquatic Resources: A Bayesian Approach to Water Control and Trade-offs in Southern Vietnam

Part 3: Agriculture
11.Soil Characteristics of Saline and Non-saline Deltas of Bangladesh.
12.Designing Resilient Rice Varieties for Coastal Deltas Using Modern Breeding Tools.
13.The Right Rice in the Right Place: Systematic Exchange and Farmer-based Evaluation of Rice Germplasm for Salt-affected Areas
14.Rice Varieties and Cultural Management Practices for High and Sustained Productivity in the Coastal Wetlands of Southern Bangladesh
15.Boro Rice for Food Security in the Coastal West Bengal, India
16.Strategies for Improving and Stabilizing Rice Productivity in the Coastal Zones of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.
17.Diversified Cropping Systems in a Coastal Province of The Mekong Delta, Vietnam: From Testing to Out scaling
18.Improving Rice Productivity in Coastal Saline Soils of the Mahanadi Delta of India through Integrated Nutrient Management
19.Crop Diversification for Improving Water Productivity and Rural Livelihoods in Coastal Saline Soils of the Mahanadi Delta, India.
20.Water Supply and Demand for Dry Season Rice in the Coastal Polders of Bangladesh.

Part 4: Communities and Governance
21.An Analysis of Environmental Policy Strategies for Coastal Land Conservation in Thailand
22.Conflicts and Governance: Perspectives on an Eastern and a Western Coastal Wetland in India
23.Farmers' Assessment of Resource Management and Farm Level Technological Interventions in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
24.Assessing Needs, Constraints and Livelihood Opportunities in Coastal Saline Environments: A Case in Orissa, India
25.Participatory Management of Coastal Resources: A Case Study of Baganchra-Badurgacha Sub-project in the Southwest of Bangladesh
26.Learning to Build Resilient Coastal Communities: Post-tsunami Recovery in Sri Lanka and Indonesia
27.Social Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards in Southeast Asia: A Synthesis of Research Insights

Part 5: Coastal and Delta Environments
28.An Extended Hydrological Classification for Mangrove Rehabilitation Projects: A Case Study in Vietnam
29.Coastal Transects Analysis of Chao Phraya Delta, Thailand
30.Mangrove System Sustainability: Public Incentives and Local Strategies in West Africa
31.Assessing the Impact of Small Scale Coastal Embankment: A Case Study of an LGED Polder in Bangladesh
32.Dynamics of Livelihoods and Resource Use Strategies in Different Ecosystems of the Coastal Zones of Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam
33.Utilization of Aquatic Resources Along the North Brazilian Coast with Special Reference to Mangroves as Fish Nurseries

Chu T. Hoanh

Chu T. Hoanh Is at the International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka.

Brian W. Szuster

Brian W. Szuster

Kam Suan-Pheng

Kam Suan-Pheng

Andrew D. Noble

Andrew D. Noble

Abdelbagi M. Ismail

Abdelbagi M. Ismail