Tourism in the New Europe

The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement

September 2006
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    14th September 2006
  • ISBN 9781845931179
  • Language English
  • Pages 352 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

Tourism in the New Europe addresses European tourism within the framework of an enlarged European Union of 25 members. It looks at the substantial reorientation of the organisational framework of European tourism and its profound implications for future structural and geographical patterns of development. Providing a series of thematic evaluations of the relationships between tourism and EU enlargement, this book includes a country-by-country examination of each of the new member states in terms of their current patterns and trends of tourism development and the impacts which EU accession brings to them.

Section 1: Introduction and Context
*Introduction, D Hall and M Smith
*Tourism and the European Union, C Anastasiadou, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
*Enlargement Implications for European Tourism, M Smith and Derek Hall
*Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe, C Michael Hall, University of Otago, New Zealand
*Tourism Education in the New Europe, G Richards, Tourism Research and Marketing, Barcelona, Spain

Section 2: East Central Europe
*Tourism and EU Enlargement: A Central European Perspective, P Jordan, Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies, Austria
*Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing the Value of the Tourism Destination Brand, M Konecnik, Ljubljana University, Slovenia
*Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-Border Travel, V Baláž, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Republic
* Tourism in the Czech Republic, A Királová, Institute of Hospitality and Management, Czech Republic
*Product Development and Diversification in Hungary, L Puczkó, Xellum Ltd, Hungary, and T Rátz, Kodolányi János University College, Hungary
*Tourism in Poland: Changes in Policy, Management and Education, B Marciszewska

Section 3: The Baltics
*The Baltics' Accession: Finnish Perspectives, R Komppula and A Peltonen, University of Joensuu, Finland, T Ylkänen and T Kokkila, Finnish Tourist Board, Finland
*Estonia - Switching Unions: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development, J Jarvis. Monash University, Australia and P Kallas, Estonian Tourist Board, Estonia
*Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development, I Druva-Druvaskalne, I Abols and A Šlara, Vidzeme University College, Latvia
*Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in the Baltic Coastal Region A Armanaitiene, R Povilanskas, Klaipeda University, Lithuania, and E Jones, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK

Section 4: The Mediterranean Enlargement
*The Mediterranean Enlargement: An Overview, H Alipour, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and D Hall
*Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination, N Theuma, University of Malta
*Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe, J Scott, London Metropolitan University, UK, and L Topcan

Section 5: The Next Enlargement
*Tourism in Bulgaria, M Bachvarov, University of Lódz, Poland
*Romania: National Identity, Tourism Promotion and European Integration, D Light, Liverpool Hope University, UK
*Turkey: EU Membership Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development, C Tosun, J Fletcher and A Fyall, Bournemouth University, UK
*Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity, I Ateljevic, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and S Corak, Institute for Tourism, Croatia

Section 6: Conclusions
*Summary and Conclusions: M Smith and D Hall

Derek R. Hall

Derek R. Hall has studied geography, anthropology and tourism for over 40 years, his experience includes:
1970 BA (Hons) 2i University of London (External): Geography with Social Anthropology
1970-4 Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Polytechnic of North London
1973 Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics, University of Portsmouth
1974 Temporary Assistant Research Officer, Scottish Development Department, Edinburgh
1974-1995 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer, Reader, Geography and Tourism, Sunderland Polytechnic/University
1978 PhD University of London (External): Social and Political Geography
1978 British Council Young Scientist in India: Delhi School of Economics; Osmania University, Hyderabad; Centre for Social and Economic Research, Bangalore
1984 British Council funded researcher in Mongolia: University of Ulan Bataar
1986-91 Part-time tour leader for Regent Holidays in Europe and Asia
1995-2004 Head of Department, Tourism and Leisure Management, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayrshire.
1998 Personal Chair in Regional Development
External examiner at various levels and visiting professor/senior research fellow at a number of universities, including HAMK University of Applied Technology, Finland (1997-2012). Most recent role with Plymouth University.

Melanie Smith

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Barbara Marciszweska

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