Tourism and Welfare

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainable Well-being

August 2006
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    18th August 2006
  • ISBN 9781845930660
  • Language English
  • Pages 304 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

The concept of welfare is a somewhat neglected area within tourism studies, despite the continued growth of interest in key issues such as ethics, tourist safety, employee's well-being, human rights, ethnocentrism, cultural sensitivity and behavior codes, green consumerism, and the perceptions of management of "sustainability". This book provides an explanation, definition and a critique of welfare and a welfare approach covering these issues. Chapters cover the welfare of tourists, employees in the tourism industry, residents in tourism destinations, animals as tourist attractions and the natural environment.

"It provides a valuable outline of issues, current knowledge and an honest appraisal of the complexity of the issues."

- Annals of Tourism Research

"...Tourism and Welfare: Ethics, Responsibility and Sustained Well-Being is an inspiring addition to tourism studies. I recommend this book to industry practitioners, academics and graduate students in tourism, leisure and recreation."

Sebastian Filep, MODUL University Vienna, Austria - , Tourism Analysis

Introduction and context
Access and participation
The welfare of tourists: dimension, responsibilities and implications
Living and working in tourism destinations
Pro-poor tourism?
The land ethic? Tourism's non-human actors
The tourism industry: responses and responsibilities
Summary and conclusions: beyond tourism

Derek R. Hall

Derek R. Hall has studied geography, anthropology and tourism for over 40 years, his experience includes:
1970 BA (Hons) 2i University of London (External): Geography with Social Anthropology
1970-4 Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Polytechnic of North London
1973 Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics, University of Portsmouth
1974 Temporary Assistant Research Officer, Scottish Development Department, Edinburgh
1974-1995 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer, Reader, Geography and Tourism, Sunderland Polytechnic/University
1978 PhD University of London (External): Social and Political Geography
1978 British Council Young Scientist in India: Delhi School of Economics; Osmania University, Hyderabad; Centre for Social and Economic Research, Bangalore
1984 British Council funded researcher in Mongolia: University of Ulan Bataar
1986-91 Part-time tour leader for Regent Holidays in Europe and Asia
1995-2004 Head of Department, Tourism and Leisure Management, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayrshire.
1998 Personal Chair in Regional Development
External examiner at various levels and visiting professor/senior research fellow at a number of universities, including HAMK University of Applied Technology, Finland (1997-2012). Most recent role with Plymouth University.

F  Brown

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