Invasive Species Reviews


Edited by David Hemming
April 2025
More details
  • Publisher
  • ISBN 9781800628908
  • Language English
  • Pages 272 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"

Invasive species are responsible for significant impacts on agriculture, food security and health worldwide. This collection looks at a wide range of invasive species, including insects, plants, snails, fungal diseases, including: Mimosa diplotricha, Chromolaena odorata, privet, Opuntia, fall armyworm, Aedes albopictus, Prostephanus truncatus, Pomacea, and ash dieback. The articles examine mechanisms for detecting the spread of invasive species, and models for understanding the mechanisms of invasion alongside control and management approaches with a particular focus on biological control. The articles have been specially selected from contributions to CABI Reviews.

David Hemming

David Hemming is an experienced commissioning editor who has been inviting specialist authors to publish in CABI Reviews for over 20 years. He also commissions books on invasive species, international development and biotechnology. He is also interested in the application of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion principles with science and publishing. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in Genetics in 1983 and gained a Ph. D. in Genetics in 1988, a Diploma in Science Communication in 1997 and was awarded an Open Degree in Creative Writing, Music and Literature in 2016.

Invasive species; Ecosystems; Ash dieback; Snails; Biological control; Mimosa diplotricha; Chromolaena odorata; privet, Opuntia; fall armyworm; Aedes albopictus; Prostephanus truncatus; Pomacea