Ending Plastic Waste

Community Actions Around the World

September 2023
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    6th September 2023
  • ISBN 9781800623613
  • Language English
  • Pages 208 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  • Images color illus, color photos

Many informal organizations around the world are making a positive impact on the environment and their communities by turning waste into a resource, increasing the social capacity of their community and reducing the amount of pollution in their environment.

Ending Plastic Waste: Community Actions Around the World presents a collection of stories, advice, and information from experts in the fields of waste management, plastic pollution, and environmental finance to give a broad outlook on how 19 programs from 15 different countries are protecting our planet. By sharing these journeys, the authors hope to encourage others to take a community approach to ending plastic waste.

Perfect for decision-makers working in environmental and marine fields, industry stakeholders and citizen scientist groups, this book provides guidance on how to successfully implement a new program, what resources are needed and the lessons learned by the people behind these programs in overcoming barriers.


  • Shares success stories from around the world of programs actively reducing plastic waste in the environment.
  • Expert contributors provide overviews of global waste management, plastic pollution, and environmental finance.
  • Demonstrates how communities are turning plastic waste into a resource and increasing social capacity at the same time.

List of contributors
About this book

1. Introduction
Britta Denise Hardesty, CSIRO, Australia, and Justine Barrett, CSIRO, Australia

2. Plastic waste inputs and leakage: scale, drivers and solutions
Dr Winnie Lau, The Pew Charitable Trusts, USA

3. Waste pickers: keeping after-use plastics circular, but at high personal cost
Costas Velis, University of Leeds, UK

4. Community programs to reduce plastic waste
All Women Recycling
Bureo Inc.
EcoFaxina (Instituto EcoFaxina)
Life Out of Plastic (L.O.O.P.)
Mamma’s Laef Vanuatu
Ocean Sole
PET Recycling Company NPC (PETCO)
Plastic Bank
The Plastics Circle
Plastic Collective
Plastic Free July®
PRISM Bangladesh Foundation
Sevanatha Urban Resource Centre
Solid Waste Collection and Handling (SWaCH) Pune Cooperative
The Skilled Women Initiative
TierraMar: SeaNet Indonesia

5. A step-by-step guide to knowing your waste
James Baker, The Asian Development Bank, Philippines

6. Finding seed funding for your project: the blue finance world
Azra Yaqub Vawda, independent consultant, Pakistan

7. Designing a scalable program
Trish Hyde and Murray Hyde, founders of The Plastics Circle, Australia

8. Closing thoughts
Chris Wilcox, Minderoo Foundation, Australia, and Kathryn Willis, CSIRO, Australia


Britta Denise Hardesty

Dr. Britta Denise Hardesty is a senior principal research scientist at CSIRO based in Tasmania, Australia. Her globally recognized work focuses on plastic pollution, marine monitoring and surveillance to reduce illegal fishing.

Kathryn Willis

Dr. Kathryn Willis is a marine socio-ecologist at CSIRO in Tasmania, Australia. She is particularly interested in how communities can establish best-practice conservation management strategies in marine systems to maximize their environmental and social impact.

Justine Barrett

Justine Barrett works in the marine debris group at CSIRO in Tasmania, Australia. Her research is aimed at reducing plastic pollution from reaching our waterways and oceans.

Chris Wilcox

Dr. Chris Wilcox is a senior principal research scientist at CSIRO in Tasmania, Australia. His research focuses on ecological impacts of marine debris and development tools for tackling illegal fishing. He is currently on secondment, working with the Minderoo Foundation, as the head of their Sustainable Fisheries Program.

pollution; plastics pollution; plastics in the marine environment; community environmental action; plastic waste; recycling; environmental action; activism; pollution control; environmental clean up; plastic clearance; marine conservation; global pollution solutions; informal waste management; community approaches; repurposing waste; circular economy; waste reduction; environmental awareness campaigns