Aquaculture Edition 4

An Introductory Text

June 2022
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June 2022
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Providing a broad and readable overview of the subject, this updated fourth edition of Aquaculture: An Introductory Text covers issues associated with sustainable aquaculture development, culture systems, hatchery methods, nutrition and feeding of aquaculture species, reproductive strategies, harvesting, and many other topics. While its main focus is on the culture of fish, molluscs and crustaceans for food, the book also covers other forms of aquaculture, such as the production of seaweeds, recreational fish and ornamental species, as well as live foods, such as algae and rotifers that are used to feed larval shrimp and marine fish.

Thoroughly updated and revised, this essential textbook now includes:

  • Increased coverage of open-ocean cage culture and sea lice issues with salmon culture;
  • Coverage of the significant progress made in nutrition, including the move away from fishmeal as protein and fish oil as lipids in feed;
  • Information on biofloc technology uses, predictive impacts of climate change, probiotics, and the impact of COVID-19 on the aquaculture community;
  • Updated aquaculture production statistics and lists of approved anaesthetics.
Aquaculture remains one of the most rapidly growing agricultural disciplines, and this book remains an essential resource for all students of aquaculture and related disciplines.

Robert R. Stickney

Following a PhD in oceanography at Florida State University, Robert R. Stickney took roles at Georgia Southern College, Texas A&M University, Southern Illinois University and the University of Washington. He returned to Texas A&M University in 1996, acting as Professor in the department of Oceanography and Director of the Sea Grant College Program. Stickney retired in 2011, as Professor emeritus at Texas A&M, and has continued to update his introductory student textbook Aquaculture. He is a member of the American Fisheries Society, National Geographic Society, and World Aquaculture Society.

Delbert M. Gatlin III

Delbert M. Gatlin III, Ph.D studied Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University before undertaking a PhD at Mississippi State University in Nutrition and Biochemistry. Following research roles at Mississippi State University and an Associate Professorship at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Gatlin returned to Texas A&M University, in addition to being an Associate Senior Scientist at the Aquaculture Protein Centre of Norway. Gatlin retains the role of Regents Professor at Texas A&M currently in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology. He is a member of the American Fisheries Society, American Society for Nutrition, and World Aquaculture Society.

aquaculture diseases; aquaculture reproduction; aquatic animal nutrition; biofloc, aquaculture economics; fish nutrition, fish disease, fish genetics; fish parasites; fish reproduction; fish species; mariculture; marine animals; open ocean cage culture; salmon culture; water quality