Insect Pest Management Edition 3

December 2020
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    14th December 2020
  • ISBN 9781789241044
  • Language English
  • Pages 408 pp.
  • Size 7" x 9"
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December 2020
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    14th December 2020
  • ISBN 9781789241051
  • Language English
  • Pages 408 pp.
  • Size 7" x 9"
  •    Request Exam Copy

This undergraduate and postgraduate textbook covering the key principles, methodologies, approaches and practical examples of insect pest management in agricultural, post harvest systems, horticulture, insect vectors and medical and veterinary entomology, featuring the underpinning monitoring and forecasting of pest outbreaks; yield loss and impact assessments and all of the latest methods of control and management of insects from insecticides; host manipulation; plant resistance; biological control; use of interference; agronomic and precision control methods; as well as socio-economic and research management aspects of developing integrated approaches to pest management. The new edition also reflects the key advances made in the disciplines of molecular biology, biochemistry and genomics related to insects and their management, as well as the importance and role of biodiversity, climate change, precision agriculture, data management and sustainability of production and supply in delivering integrated management solutions.

1: Introduction
2: Sampling, Monitoring and Forecasting
3: Yield Loss
4: Insecticides
5: Host Plant Resistance
6: Biological Control
7: Cultural and Interference Methods
8: Legislation, Codes of Conduct and Conventions
9: Programme Design, Management and Implementation
10: Driving Forces and Future Prospects for IPM

David R. Dent

David R. Dent trained as an agricultural ecologist/entomologist, has invented and commercialized a herbicide adjuvant, managed the development and licensing of the biopesticide Green Muscle for locust control, established the spin-out company Conidia Bioscience Ltd to develop a diagnostic kit for the airline fuel fungus and realized the commercial opportunity offered by a nitrogen fixing endophytic bacteria for substitution of nitrogen fertilizer that lead to the founding of Azotic Technologies Ltd. A former MD of CABI Bioscience, David has a wealth of experience managing international science-based and commercial projects, establishing, raising funds for, and working in spin-out companies, as well advising governments and business on science, technology and innovation.

Richard H. Binks

Richard H. Binks trained as an applied biologist and has spent over 25 years working as an IPM specialist and entomologist in horticulture and agriculture. This included 6 years working with ADAS as an entomologist and crop advisor. Richard is the Managing Director of FreshTec, an Agrotec consultancy business based near Cambridge in the UK. Richard works with international companies that support farmers and growers including Koppert Biological Systems (UK) Ltd where he works with horticultural businesses, helping growers manage and develop bespoke Integrated Pest Management systems. Richard also works with a range of businesses involved in the food chain including fresh produce businesses that supply food retailers.

Agricultural Entomology; Applied Entomology; Biocontrol; Biological Control; Chemical Control; Crop Protection; Crop Yield Loss; Cultural Control; Insect Pest Management; Insecticides; Integrated Pest Management; IPM; Medical and Veterinary Entomology; Natural Enemies; Pest Control; Pesticides; Plant Resistance