Proceedings of the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting

Edited by Sagi Denenberg
October 2017
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    12th October 2017
  • ISBN 9781786394583
  • Language English
  • Pages 188 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"

This book contains the proceedings from the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting. Keynote Presentations include 'Use of Psychopharmacology to Reduce Anxiety and Fear in Dogs and Cats: A Practical Approach' by Barbara L. Sherman, 'A Multimodal Approach to Resolving Tension Between Cats in the Same Household: A Practical Approach' by Sarah E. Heath, 'The Importance of the Welfare of Research Animals to Maximise the Quality of Behavioural Research: Do We Measure True Behaviours?' by Patrick Pageat and 'Making Animal Welfare Sustainable - Human Behaviour Change for Animal Behaviour: The Human Element' by Jo White and Suzanne Rogers.

Section: Thursday September 14th, 2017
1. Predicting Aggressive Behaviour: Which Factors Influence Biting and What is the Use of Temperament Tests?
2. No Better Than Flipping a Coin: Reconsidering Canine Behaviour Evaluations in Animal Shelters
3. Having Bitten is No One-way Ticket for Dogs: Rehabilitation Possibilities and Principles
4. Evaluation, Management and Welfare of Aggressive Shelter Dogs
5. Keynote Presentation: Use of Psychopharmacology to Reduce Anxiety and Fear in Dogs and Cats: A Practical Approach
6. Preventing Travel Anxiety Using Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride Oromucosal Gel
7. Oromucosal Dexmedetomidine Gel for Alleviation of Fear and Anxiety in Dogs During Minor Veterinary or Husbandry Procedures
8. Avalanche Dogs Can Locate ‘Buried Victims’ by Perceiving the Human Breath Under the Snow
9. Responses of Anxious Dogs to a Simple Behaviour Modification Protocol While Waiting in a Veterinary Hospital
10. Link Between Chronic Gastric Diseases and Anxiety in Dogs
11. Interaction of Health and Behaviour Problems in Dogs
12. Keynote Presentation: A Multimodal Approach to Resolving Tension Between Cats in the Same Household: A Practical Approach
13. Effect of a Synthetic Feline Pheromone for Managing Unwanted Scratching in Domestic Cats
14. Relationship Among Cat–Owner Bond, Cat Behaviour Problems and Cat Environment Conditions: A Study With 1553 Spanish Cat Owners

Section: Friday September 15th, 2017
15. Keynote Presentation: The Importance of the Welfare of Research Animal to Maximise the Quality of Behavioural Research: Do We Measure True Behaviours?
16. Keynote Presentation: Human Behaviour Change for Animals
17. Impact of Exploratory Material and Stocking Density on Tail and Ear Biting in Suckling and Weaning Piglets
18. Ontogeny of Selected Behaviours in Piglets of Slovak Large White Improved Swine Breed
19. Access to Chewable Materials Increases Piglet Activity During Lactation
20. Hypothermia Triggers Depression-like Behaviour in Mice Forced Swimming Test
21. Effects of Maternal Depression and Antidepressant Therapy on the Neurobehavioural Development of Rat Offspring
22. From Neuronal Activity to Behaviour: Understanding Neuronal Correlates of Sensory Discrimination
23. Environmental Control of Crib-biting in a Horse
24. Do Different Types of Food Provoke Different Levels of Enjoyment in Dogs?
25. Survey of Shock Collar Use in France: Providing Practical Results for Regulatory Guidelines Development
26. ‘Long-stay’ Dogs in Shelters: Studying Factors Related to Adoptability of Difficult to Adopt Dogs in Catalonia
27. Compulsive Self-licking and Self-biting in Dogs with Paraesthesia: Two Cases
28. Use of Huperzine A in Three Canine Cases in Australia
29. Mirtazapine as a Potential Drug to Treat Social Fears in Dogs: Five Case Examples
30. Polyuria and Polydipsia Associated with Hypersensitivity–Hyperactivity Syndrome (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in a Dog: A Case Report of a Male French Shepherd Dog (Beauceron)
31. Two Approaches to Managing Separation Anxiety
32. The Effects of a Nutritional Supplement (Solliquin) in Reducing Fear and Anxiety in a Laboratory Model of Thunder-induced Fear and Anxiety
33. Observing the Results of Reducing the Stress of the Dogs During Training by the Help of Dog-appeasing Pheromone on Learning and Problem-solving Behaviours
34. Evaluation of the Association Between Attendance at Veterinary Hospital-based Puppy Socialisation Classes and Long-term Retention in the Home

Section: Saturday September 16th, 2017
35. Effects of Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils in Animals: A Review
36. Olfactory Enrichment in Dogs: Possible New Applications
37. Hair Cortisol in Cats as a Measure of Chronic Stress: A Pilot Study Under Controlled Conditions
38. Cortisol Content in Hair Measured by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry: A Non-invasive Marker of Chronic Stress in Companion Animals
39. Association Between Catecholaminergic Genes and Impulsivity in Dogs
40. Do Assistance Dogs Show Work Overload? Canine Blood Prolactin as a Clinical Parameter to Detect a Chronic Stress-related Response
41. Efficacy of a Therapeutic Diet on Dogs with Signs of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome
42. Social Behaviour and Bonding in Aged Dogs: A Multimodal Assessment Approach
43. Olfactory Stem Cell Therapy in Canine Age-related Disorders Treatment: A Controlled Study
44. Neophilia in Successfully Ageing Dogs: Preliminary Results
45. The Attachment Bond to People in Domestic Dogs: Does it Exist Already in Puppies?
46. Living with and Loving a Pet with Behaviour Problems: The Impact on Caregivers
47. The Personality of Dogs and Cats Living in the Same Household: A Multivariate Model Study
48. A Comparison of Attitudes and Coping Strategies of Small Animal Veterinarians Toward Behaviour Problems of Companion Dogs in Israel and Brazil
49. The Latin Owner: Profiles, Perceptions and Attitudes of Italian Cat and Dog Owners Towards their Pet
50. Coping Strategies in Dogs with Impaired Social Functioning Towards Humans
51. Predictors of Gaze-directed Attention in Dogs
52. The Effect of Paw Preference on Problem-solving Ability in Cats: Preliminary Results
53. The Impact of Transportation-related Anxiety on the Quality of Pre-anaesthesia in Cats: A Preliminary Study

Section: Poster Presentations
54. Playful Activities Post-learning Improve Retraining Performance a Year Later in Labrador Retriever Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)
55. Adoption Preference Factors for Dogs in a Public Shelter in the Province of Palermo (Southern Italy) and Comparison with Adoption Rates of a Shelter in Northern Italy
56. Relation Between the Owner’s Psychological Well-being and Pets’ Behavioural Problems: A Portuguese Survey
57. The Association of Multiple Clinical Signs to Determine if a Cat Displays Either Urine Marking or Latrine Behaviour
58. Mirror Reflection or Real Image: Does Past Mirror Experience Influence a Dog’s Use of a Mirror?
59. Association Between Puppy Classes and Adult Behaviour of the Dog
60. The Importance of Pain as a Differential Diagnosis During a Behaviour Consultation
61. Canine Electroencephalograph Transients in the Sigma Range Relate to Memory
62. Noise Sensitivities in Dogs: An Exploration of Signs in Dogs With and Without Musculoskeletal Pain
63. Evaluation of Urine Cortisol:Creatinine Ratio in Dogs with Separation Anxiety
64. Effects of Providing Two Kinds of Doghouses in Different Sized Pens on the Behaviour of Shelter Dogs
65. Circadian Distribution and Characterisation of Social Behaviour in a Group of Domestic Donkeys (Equus asinus)
66. Effect of Meal Composition on Tryptophan:Large Neutral Amino Acids Ratio in Dog
67. Differences in Management of Dogs and Cats Living in the Same Household
68. Acupuncture Influence on Reduction of Stress Signs in Kennelled Dogs
69. Serum Leptin and Ghrelin Levels and their Relationship with Serum Cortisol, Thyroid Hormones, Lipids, Homocysteine and Folic Acid in Dogs with Compulsive Tail Chasing
70. A Social Entrepreneurship Project on Animal Welfare: ‘Pretty Paws’ Board Game

Sagi Denenberg

Sagi Denenberg graduated with Excellence in Academic Achievement from the Kosice Veterinary College in Slovakia. He relocated from Israel to Canada in 2003 and passed the North American veterinary licensing examination. Sagi provides behavior consults for owners with their pets including dogs, cats, horses, parrots and other exotic mammals. He is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine and has passed his members certificate with the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists (Veterinary Behavior). Sagi has done a number of behavioral studies including the effects of pheromones on learning and socialization in puppies and a study of play toy preference in cats for which he was awarded the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Excellence in Research Award. He also authored a number of articles and book chapters including the behavior chapters in the Merck Veterinary Manual, senior pet behavior and cognitive decline in the British Small Animal Veterinary Association Manual and more. Sagi is a consultant on the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) providing other veterinarians with advice. In addition to clinical duties Sagi is a frequent speaker at veterinary conferences in Europe and North America.