Decentralized Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa

August 2017
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    21st August 2017
  • ISBN 9781786390769
  • Language English
  • Pages 172 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"
  • Images tables & b/w photos

Two perspectives have dominated the social science discourse on climate change adaptation. Firstly, an international narrative among UN and donor agencies of technical and financial support for planned climate change adaptation. Secondly, a significant volume of studies discuss how local communities can undertake their own autonomous adaptation. Effective and sustainable climate adaptation requires a third focus: understanding of the political processes within sub-national institutions that mediate between national and local practices. This book address the knowledge gap that currently exists about the role of district-level institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa in providing an enabling institutional environment for rural climate change adaptation.

Key Features:

· Analyzes the disconnect between national and local policy and practice, and how to overcome it

· Analysis of the political ecology of climate change adaptation in 10 diverse rural districts across Sub-Saharan Africa based on evidence from thorough field work

· Explains how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of climate change adaptation programs by engaging with decentralized local governments and principles of subsidiarity with regards to decision-making and control over financial resources.

1: Introduction
2: Implementing African National Climate Change Policies
3: Contemplating Climate Change at Local Government: On-the-ground Politics of Adaptation Delivery in Tanzania
4: Climate Change Adaptation and Decentralisation Politics: the Case of Local Governments in Rural Zambia
5: A White Elephant in a Changing Climate: a Territorial Approach to Climate Change Adaptation in Uganda
6: Creating Political Space for Climate Change Adaptation in Northern Ghana
7: Local Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Uganda
8: Political Ecology of Climate Change Management in Rural Uganda
9: Local Political Processes and the Management of the Awoja Watershed in Eastern Africa
10: Competing Interests over Natural Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change: the Case of Rice Cultivation in the Gweri Wetlands, Uganda
11: Social and Institutional Dynamics of Mobility as an Adaptation to Climate Change
12: Hoarders as Saviours: The Performance of Regional Grain Traders During and After Extreme Drought
13: Conclusion: Towards Subnational Climate Change Action Amidst Ambiguity and Contestation Over Power and Resources

Esbern Friis-Hansen

Esbern Friis-Hansen has been a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies from 2004 to the present. He was a team member for monitoring and evaluation of the EU financed ERA-ARD sub-program Food & Energy from 2007-2009. He was a team leader for the study of local governance and human rights for the World Bank in 2007, and from 2006 to 2007 he was a team member for review of experience with Farmer Study Groups in East and Southern Africa, SIDA.