Botany, Production and Uses Series


Botany, Production and Uses

August 2017
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    21st August 2017
  • ISBN 9781780648378
  • Language English
  • Pages 550 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"
  • Images tables & color photos

Sweet and sour cherries (Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus) are important fruit crops for which demand is high and growing. A significant number of new varieties, rootstocks, and training systems have been released or developed in recent years in order to improve the efficiency and profitability of cherry orchards.

Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses covers the genetics, ecophysiology, production, protection, and uses of cherries. Presenting up-to-date, scientific data and applied information, this book is invaluable for researchers, teachers, and all professionals working in the cherries value chain.

Part I : Genetic Resources and Improvement
1. Cherry Production—G. Bujdso, Fruitculture Research Institute, Hungary and K. Hrotkó, Szent István University, Hungary
2. Flowering, Fruit Set and Development—M. Herrero, CSIC, Spain, J. Rodrigo, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain and A. Wünsch, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
3. Biodiversity, Germplasm Resources and Breeding Methods—A. Iezzoni, Michigan State University, Wünsch, CITA-Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, M. Höfer, Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit
Crops, Germany, D. Giovannini, Fruit Tree Unit of Forlì, Italy, M. Jensen, Aarhus University, Denmark, J. Quero-García, J.A. Campoy, INRA, France, A. Vokurka, University of Zagreb, Croatia and T. Barreneche. INRA, France
4. Sweet Cherry Varieties and Improvement—J. Quero-García, M. Schuster, Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops , Germany, G. López-Ortega, IMIDA, Spain and G. Charlot
5. Sour Cherry Varieties and Improvement—M. Schuster, Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops, Germany, J. Apostol, Fruitculture Research Institute, Hungary, A. Iezzoni, Michigan State
University, M. Jensen, Aarhus University, Denmark and D. Milatovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
6. Rootstocks and Improvement—E. Rozpara, Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland and K. Hrotkó, Szent István University, Hungary

Part II : Ecophysiology and Production
7. Rain-Induced Cracking of Sweet Cherries—M. Knoche, Leibniz-University, Germany and A. Winkler, Leibniz-University, Germany
8. Climatic Limiting Factors : Temperature—B. Wenden, INRA, France, J.A. Campoy, INRA, France, M. Jensen, Aarhus University and G. López-Ortega, IMIDA, Spain
9. Environmental Limiting Factors for Cherry Production
G. Neilsen, D. Neilsen and T. Forge, all Summerland Research and Development Centre, Canada
10. Site Preparation and Orchard Infrastructure—K. Koumanov, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria and L. Long, Oregon State University Extension
11. Orchard Microclimate Modification—M. Blanke, University of Bonn, Germany, G. Lang, Michigan State University, USA and M. Meland, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway
12. Morphology, Cropping Physiology, and Canopy Training—M. Ayala, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile and G. Lang, Michigan State University

Part III : Protection
13. Invertebrate and Vertebrate Pests : Biology and Management—N. T. Papadopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece, S.A. Lux, inSilico-IPM, Poland, K. Köppler, Center for Agricultural Technology, Germany and T. Beliën, pcfruit vzw, Belgium
14. Fungal Diseases—J. Børve, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway, A. Ippolito, Università degli Studi Aldo Moro, Italy, B. Tanovic, Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Serbia, M. Michalecka, Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland, S.M. Sanzani, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, A. Poniatowska, Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland, M. Mari, University of Bologna, Italy and J. Hrustic, Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Serbia
15. Bacterial Diseases—J. Pulawska, Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland, M. Gétaz, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, M. Kaluzna, Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland, N. Kuzmanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia, A. Obradovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia, J.F. Pothier, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, Ruinelli, D. Boscia, Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, Italy. M. Saponari, CNR - Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, Italy, A. Végh and L. Palkovics, Szent István University, Hungary
16. Viruses, Viroids, Phytoplasmas and Genetic Disorders of Cherry—D. James, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canada, M. Cieslinska, Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland, V. Pallas, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, R. Flores, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, T. Candresse, INRA, France and W. Jelkmann, Julius Kuhn Institute, Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture, Germany

Part IV : Utilization
17. Fruit Chemistry, Nutritional Benefits, and Social Aspects of Cherries—M.J. Serradilla, Department of Vegetables, Scientific and Technological Research Centre of Extremadura, Spain M. Fotiric Akšic, University of Belgrade, Serbia, G.A. Manganaris, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus, S. Ercisli, Ataturk University, Turkey, D.Gónzalez-Gómez, University of Extremadura, Spain and D. Valero, University Miguel Herna´ndez, Spain
18. Fruit Harvest Methods and Technologies—M. Whiting, Washington State University, and R. Perry, Michigan State University
19. Postharvest Biology and Handling for Fresh Markets—J.P. Zoffoli, Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile, P. Toivonen, Summerland Research and Development Centre, Canada and Y. Wang, Oregon State
20. Processing for Industrial Uses—M. Jensen, Aarhus University, Denmark

José Quero-Garcia

José Quero-Garcia is a permanent researcher for INRA-Bordeaux, France. The focus of his team A3C (Adaptation du Cerisier au Changement Climatique) is to study the adaptation of the sweet cherry to climate changes, with a special emphasis on phenology-related traits as well as fruit quality, and in particular, tolerance to rain-induced cracking. He has been the Chair of COST Action FA1104 for the sustainable production of high-quality cherries in the European market since 2012.

A. Iezzoni

A. Iezzoni is at Michigan State University.

Joanna Pulawska

Joanna Pulawska is at the Research Institute of Horticulture, Poland.

Gregory Lang

Gregory Lang has been a professor of tree fruit physiology at Michigan State University (MSU) and program leader for the stone fruit physiology laboratory since 2000. He was previously an associate professor and program leader for the sweet cherry physiology laboratory at Washington State University from 1994-2000 and an assistant/associate professor of pomology at Louisiana State University from1987-1994. He earned a B.S. degree in horticultural science from University of Georgia, and an M.S. in pomology and Ph.D. in plant physiology from University of California-Davis. His areas of expertise include tree fruit horticulture (development and management of sustainable orchard systems – pruning, training,growth regulation, and protective orchard covering systems, with particular emphasis on sweet cherry), tree fruit physiology (environmental stress, developmental and reproductive physiology, carbohydrate and nitrogen partitioning and utilization), and Prunus germplasm improvement and evaluation. Dr. Lang has authored more than 185 research and industry articles related to fruit production, released or co-released five new sweet cherry varieties, and has edited or co-edited several books and proceedings on cherry research. Under the auspices of the International Society for Horticultural Science, he has served as the chair of international working groups on cherry production and orchard systems, and has provided numerous keynote addresses at scientific and grower conferences around the world. He is the recipient of the American Society for Horticultural Science’s Undergraduate Research Award (1981), Graduate Educator Award (2010), and Extension Materials Award (2017), as well as the International Fruit Tree Association’s Distinguished Research Award (2001).