CABI Biotechnology Series Series 15

Forest Genomics and Biotechnology

March 2020
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    6th March 2020
  • ISBN 9781780643502
  • Language English
  • Pages 280 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"

An authoritative update of forest tree biotechnology and genomics methodologies, this book covers procedures and accomplishments from basic biological science to applications. Incorporating expert evaluation of achievements, it discusses the potential that novel biotechnological and genomic approaches have for traditional breeding improvement of forest-tree species and production of forest-based products. It also describes in detail the environmental, social, legal, and regulatory aspects of forest biotechnology, with an emphasis on biosafety.

1: Principles of Genome Sciences
2: Genomics of Conifers
3: Genomics of Hardwoods
4: Forest Tree Population Genomics
5: Quantitative Genomics of Forest Tree Breeding
6: Principles of Forest Biotechnology
7: Approaches to Genetically Engineering Flowering Control in Trees
8: Engineering for Bioenergy
9: Engineering Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses
10: Engineering Pest Tolerance
11: Regulatory Affairs
12: Protecting Intellectual Property

Matias Kirst

Matias Kirst is at University of Florida, Gainesville.

Rick Meilan

Rick Meilan is at Purdue University.