The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices
Two Volume Set
February 2018
More details
- Publisher
CABI - Published
16th February 2018 - ISBN 9781780643151
- Language English
- Pages 1128 pp.
- Size 8.625" x 11"
- Images illus
The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices provides comprehensive coverage of the taxonomy, botany, chemistry, functional properties, medicinal uses, culinary uses and safety issues relating to over 250 species of herbs and spices. These herbs and spices constitute an important agricultural commodity and are indispensable for pharmaceuticals, flavoring foods and beverages, and in the perfumery and cosmetic industries. More recently, they are increasingly being identified as having high nutraceutical potential and
important value in human healthcare. An invaluable reference tool, this book:
• Presents easily accessible information, including up-to-date nomenclature and taxonomy
• Is beautifully illustrated with over 250 figures
• Begins with an introductory chapter on the definition, classification, history, and applications of herbs and spices worldwide
• Is written by a well-known authority within the field
This encyclopedia is an excellent resource for researchers, students, growers and manufacturers, in the fields of horticulture, agriculture, botany, crop sciences, food science and pharmacognosy.
1. Achiote
2. African nutmeg
3. African pepper
4. Ajowan
5. Alkanet
6. Allspice
7. Almond
8. Ambrette
9. Angelica
10. Anise
11. Anise hyssop
12. Anise myrtle
13. Anise root
14. Asafetida
15. Asam gelugor
16. Avens
17. Avocado
18. Barberry
19. Bee balm
20. Bengal cardamom
21. Bergamot orange
22. Bilimbi
23. Black caraway
24. Black cumin
25. Black lovage
26. Black mustard
27. Black pepper
28. Blue fenugreek
29. Boldo leaves
30. Bolivian coriander
31. Borage
32. Broad leaved thyme
33. Bush tomato
34. Butterfly pea
35. Calamint
36. Californian bay leaf
37. Californian pepper
38. Cambodian cardamom
39. Candlenut
40. Caper
41. Capsicums
42. Capsicum -chinese
43. Capsicum-Mexican aji
44. Capsicum-pubescent chili
45. Capsicum-Tabasco chili
46. Carambola
47. Caraway
48. Cardamom
49. Catmint
50. Celeriac
51. Celery
52. Chameleon plant
53. Chamomile
54. Chamomile Roman
55. Chervil
56. Chicory
57. Chinese cassia
58. Chinese chive
59. Chinese pepper
60. Chive
61. Cicely
62. Cinnamon
63. Cinnamon myrtle
64. Citronella
65. Clove
66. Cocoa flower
67. Coriander
68. Corsican mint
69. Cubeb
70. Cumin
71. Curry leaf
72. Deertongue
73. Dill
74. Dorrigo pepper
75. Elderberry
76. Epazote
77. Ethiopian pepper
78. Fennel
79. Fenugreek
80. Fingerroot
81. Fragrant pandan
82. Galbanum
83. Garden cress
84. Garlic
85. Garlic mustard
86. Ginger
87. Golpar
88. Greater galangal
89. Guinea grains
90. Hops
91. Horseradish
92. Hyssop
93. Indian cassia
94. Indian mustard
95. Indian sarsaparilla
96. Indonesian cinnamon
97. Indonesian laurel
98. Japanese ginger
99. Japanese mint
100. Japanese pepper
101. Jasmine
102. Juniper berry
103. Kaffir lime
104. Kalpashi
105. Kasuri methi
106. Kencur
107. Kokum
108. Korarima cardamom
109. Koseret
110. Labrador tea
111. Large cardamom
112. Laurel
113. Leek
114. Lemon
115. Lemon balm
116. Lemon basil
117. Lemon grass
118. Lemon ironbark
119. Lemon myrtle
120. Lemon thyme
121. Lemon verbena
122. Lesser galangal
123. Licorice
124. Lomba
125. Long pepper
126. Long pepper-Java
127. Lovage
128. Madagascar cardamom
129. Mahaleb cherry
130. Malabar tamarind
131. Mango
132. Mango ginger
133. Marigold
134. Mastic
135. Mexican bayleaf
136. Mexican oregano
137. Mican pepper
138. Mexican sweet herb
139. Mexican tarragon
140. Mint marigold
141. Mitsuba
142. Mountain mint
143. Mugwort
144. Myrtle
145. Nasturtium
146. Njangsa
147. North African ammoniac
148. Nutmeg and mace
149. Olive
150. Onion
151. Onion and garlic plant
151. Onion and garlic plant
152. Orange
153. Oregano
154. Osmanthus
155. Papua nutmeg
156. Paracress
157. Parsley
158. Pennyroyal
159. Peppermint
160. Peppermint gum
161. Perilla
162. Pine nut
163. Pink pepper
164. Pomegranate
165. Pompon vanilla
165. Pompon vanilla
166. Poppy seed
167. Pot marigold
168. Pumpkin seed
169. Radhuni
170. Ramsons
171. Reflexed stonecrop
172. Rice paddy herb
173. Rocket
174. Rose
175. Roselle
176. Rosemary
177. Rosemary mint
178. Round cardamom
179. Rue
180. Sacred basil
181. Safflower
182. Saffron
183. Sage
184. Salad burnet
185. Samphire
186. Sarsaparilla
187. Sassafras
188. Scented geranium
189. Screwpine
190. Sesame
191. Shallot
192. Sorrel
193. Southern wormwood
194. Spearmint
195. Spiny coriander
196. Star anise
197. Stonecrop
198. Sumacs
199. Summer savory
200. Sweet basil
201. Sweetflag
202. Sweet gale
203. Sweet honey leaf
204. Sweet marjoram
205. Sweet violet
206. Tahitian vanilla
207. Tamarind
208. Tansy
209. Tarragon
210. Tasmanian pepper
211. Thai basil
212. Thyme
213. Tonka bean
214. Torch ginger
215. Tsao-ko-cardamom
216. Tuberose
217. Tuberous caraway
218. Turmeric
219. Vanilla
220. Vetiver
221. Vietnamese balm
222. Vietnamese coriander
223. Voatsiperifery
224. Wasabi
225. Water cress
226. Water pepper
227. Wattle seed
228. Welsh onion
229. White cinnamon
230. White mustard
231. White’s ginger
232. Wild betel
233. Wild leek
234. Wild mango
235. Wild thymes
236. Wintergreen
237. Winter savory
238. Woodruff
239. Ylang-ylang
240. Zedoary