CABI Climate Change Series Series 4

Plant Genetic Resources and Climate Change

February 2014
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    6th February 2014
  • ISBN 9781780641973
  • Language English
  • Pages 300 pp.
  • Size 7.125" x 9.75"

This book addresses the current state of climate change predictions, and how climate change will affect conservation and use of crop germplasm, both ex situ and in situ. In addition, specific examples of germplasm research related to climate change threats are highlighted. Such activities need to take place under a regime of access to and use of germplasm through international conventions and treaties.

1. Food Security, Climate Change and Genetic Resources
2. Genetic Resources and Conservation Challenges under the Threat of Climate Change
3. Climate Projections
4. Effects of Climate Change on Potential Food Production and Risk of Hunger
5. Regional Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and the Role of Adaptation
6. International Mechanisms for Conservation and Use of Genetic Resources
7. Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change
8. Climate Change and On-farm Conservation of Crop Landraces in Centres of Diversity
9. Germplasm Databases and Informatics
10. Exploring ‘Omics’ of Genetic Resources to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change
11. Harnessing Meiotic Recombination for Improved Crop Varieties
12. High Temperature Stress
13. Drought
14. Salinity
15. Response to Flooding: Submergence Tolerance in Rice
16. Effects of Climate Change on Plant–Insect Interactions and Prospects for Resistance Breeding Using Genetic Resources

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was formerly International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines.

Brian V. Ford-Lloyd

Brian V. Ford-Lloyd is at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Martin L. Parry

Martin L. Parry is at Imperial College, London.