Blockchain, Bitcoin, and the Digital Economy
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
23rd August 2022 - ISBN 9781683928355
- Language English
- Pages 252 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
11th July 2022 - ISBN 9781683928331
- Language English
- Pages 252 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
11th July 2022 - ISBN 9781683928348
- Language English
- Pages 252 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
This book discusses fundamentals of blockchain technology, the issues in its development, potential applications, and its use in cryptocurrency. It also covers fintech, its status and applications, and the concepts related to a digital economy. Because this subject is vast and quickly changing, the book serves as a comprehensive introduction and background to anyone who is interested in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. It has numerous references for anyone who is interested in further research.
- Discusses basic concepts of blockchain technology, the issues in its development, potential applications, and its use in cryptocurrency
- Covers Bitcoin issues, altcoins, MDLs, industrial applications, payment, regulations, and more
1: What is Blockchain?
2: Bitcoin
3: Bitcoin Issues
4: Consensus Mechanisms
5: Altcoins
6: Mutual Distributed Ledgers and Digital Currency
7: Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency
8: Industrial Applications for Blockchain
9: Payment and Lending
10: Governance and Regulation
11: A Glimpse of the Future
Len Mei
Len Mei, Ph.D. is a senior executive in the semiconductor industry with extensive experience in quality management and technology development. He has over 20 international patents and numerous research publications.