Mathematics for Business Edition 7
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
16th November 2021 - ISBN 9781683927662
- Language English
- Pages 324 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
12th October 2021 - ISBN 9781683927648
- Language English
- Pages 324 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
12th October 2021 - ISBN 9781683927655
- Language English
- Pages 324 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
Quantitative methods have become essential in economic forecasting, allocation of resources, portfolio analysis, inventory analysis, data-mining, and new and innovative solutions to myriad social and climate challenges. The aim of this text is to provide a basic understanding of these quantitative methods. Using topics such as finite mathematics, mathematics of finance, differential calculus, optimization, and curve fitting, this text provides the tools needed to solve modern business problems.
- Covers a review of algebra, finite math, mathematics of finance, differential calculus, optimization, and curve fitting
- Feature numerous, realistic, business applications including cash flow, amortization, interest, loans, annuities, revenue/cost models, break-even, ordering, inventory control, profit/margin models, econometrics, and more
- Provides extensive in-text examples and end of section exercises with key terms, key concepts, and appendices at the end of each chapter to reinforce material
- Uses multiple tables, charts and graphs to illustrate topics
- Includes PowerPoint slides for the instructor.
1: The Basics
2: Graphs and Linear Equations
3: Functions
4: The Mathematics of Finance
5: Rates of Change: The Derivative
6: Optimization
7: Curve Fitting and Trend Lines
Appendix: Solutions to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises
Gary Bronson, PhD
Gary Bronson, Ph.D., is a professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University of information systems with industry and consulting experience and is the author of several books.
Richard Bronson, PhD
Richard Bronson, Ph.D. is emeritus professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Maureen Kieff
Maureen Kieff is a professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University.