Wireless Sensor Networks
Architecture - Applications - Advancements
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
8th May 2018 - ISBN 9781683922254
- Language English
- Pages 500 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
25th April 2018 - ISBN 9781683922261
- Language English
- Pages 500 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
25th April 2018 - ISBN 9781683923275
- Language English
- Pages 500 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
Wireless Sensor Networks is an essential guide for anyone interested in wireless communications for sensor networks, home networking, or device hacking. It covers a large number of topics encountered in the architecture, application, and recent advancements of a wireless sensor network, including hardware and software architectures, the Internet of Things, routing and security, MANETs, MEMS, Zigbee, TDMA, securing networks for WiFi, ubiquitous sensor networks, underwater, mobile, and multimedia wireless networks.
• Includes a wide range of applications to industry, science, transportation, civil infrastructure, and security
• Covers the Internet of Things (IoT), MEMS, Zigbee, TDMA, mobile wireless networks, and more
• Features article on securing networks for WiFi by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity Engineering
1. Wireless Sensor Networks
2. Node Hardware Architecture.
3. Software Architectures of WSN
4. Wireless Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
5. Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN)
6. Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN)
7. Internet of Things (WSN)
8. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN)
9. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Manets)
10. Routing and Security in WSN
Appendix A. Securing Networks for WiFi
Appendix B. Abbreviations
S. R. Vijayalakshmi
S. R. Vijayalakshmi is a university professor and researcher who teaches courses in wireless communication and engineering. Vijayalakshmi and Muruganand are the authors of Wireless Sensor Networks; Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy; and Embedded Vision: An Introduction (published by Mercury Learning and Information).
S. Muruganand
S. Muruganand is a university professor and researcher who teaches courses in wireless communication and engineering. Muruganand and Vijayalakshmi are the authors of Wireless Sensor Networks; Ocean Instrumentation, Electronics, and Energy; and Embedded Vision: An Introduction (published by Mercury Learning and Information).