- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
30th January 2019 - ISBN 9781683921127
- Language English
- Pages 440 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
21st January 2019 - ISBN 9781683921134
- Language English
- Pages 440 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
21st January 2019 - ISBN 9781683922780
- Language English
- Pages 440 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
This book provides over 2,500 questions and answers for various types of electrical engineering exams or as a general review of key concepts. It covers all of the aspects of electrical engineering topics including electrical circuits, electromagnetic theory, measurements, control systems, computers, electronics, material science, machines, power systems, blockchain, and more.
- Uses multiple choice questions and their answers in a “self-study format” to review key concepts in electrical engineering and related topics
- Provides over 2500 questions for reviewing a variety of topics including circuits, measurement, information and blockchain technology, power systems, electronics, and more
1. Engineering Mathematics. 2. Electrical Machines. 3. Measurements. 4. Passive Circuits and Electromagnetic Fields. 5. Power Systems. 6. Control System Engineering. 7. Electronics. 8. Computer Science. 9. Process Instrumentation. 10. Information and Blockchain Technology. 11. Superconductivity and Quantum Computing. 12. Self-Test.
R. R. Gupta
R. R. Gupta has written several texts in the area of electrical engineering.
J. R. Claycomb
J. R. Claycomb is Associate Professor of Physics at Houston Baptist University.