Understanding PTSD
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
16th August - ISBN 9781501522871
- Language English
- Pages 212 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
8th August - ISBN 9781501519857
- Language English
- Pages 212 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
8th August - ISBN 9781501519888
- Language English
- Pages 212 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
This book explores the complexities of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, offering an accessible guide for those without prior knowledge of the condition. This comprehensive resource traces the historical roots of PTSD, debunks common myths, and explains its various symptoms and types across different age groups. Readers will gain insights into the brain's response to
trauma, potential causes, and the physiological, psychological, and behavioral impacts of PTSD. The book explores diverse treatment options, from cognitive therapy and physical activity to medications and alternative methods like animal therapy and hypnosis. Practical advice on coping mechanisms, recognizing subtle nuances of PTSD, and fostering community support is provided to empower readers in supporting those affected. Additionally, it addresses the portrayal of PTSD in media and current and future research. The book serves as an invaluable resource for understanding, navigating, and overcoming the challenges posed by this condition. Whether you're struggling with PTSD, supporting someone who is, or simply seeking to understand this condition, this book provides the knowledge and tools you need.
- Written in easy-to-understand language, making complex concepts approachable for all readers
- Debunks common misconceptions about PTSD, such as the belief that only the weak are affected or that it's exclusively a soldier's ailment
- Discover a wide range of web resources, including pharmacological treatment options, from cognitive therapy and physical activity to medications and alternative methods like animal therapy and hypnosis
1: The History of Psychotraumatology
2: PTSD Myths
3: How to Assess
4: How the Brain Copes with Different Types of Trauma
5: Potential Causes of PTSD
6: The Dangers of PTSD
7: Different Types of PTSD
8: The Physiological, Psychological, and Behavioral Response to Trauma and PTSD
9: Symptoms of PTSD
10: PTSD in Different Age Groups
11: Treatments
12: Other Risks (Comorbidity)
13: What Is Still Unknown?
14: Current and Future Research
15: The General Public’s Knowledge about PTSD
16: How PTSD Is Portrayed in Media
17: PTSD and the Family
18: Recovery and How to Support Someone with PTSD
19: Epilogue
20: PTSD Resources in North America, Europe, and India
Appendix: Potential Pharmacological Treatments for PTSD
Austin Mardon, PhD
Austin Mardon, PhD, is an adjunct instructor in the Department of Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge and has held teaching positions at the University of Alberta, and the John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre. He has also served as an advisory member of the Suicide Prevention Advisory Group, at the Mental Health Commission of Canada.