Rural Change and Sustainability

Agriculture, the Environment and Communities

September 2005
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    12th September 2005
  • ISBN 9780851990828
  • Language English
  • Pages 380 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

This book draws upon selected, revised and edited papers from a conference of rural geographers from the UK, USA and Canada, held at the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter. It focuses on rural regions, which are facing conflicting demands, pressures and challenges, which themselves have far-reaching implications for rural space and society. Themes that occur throughout the book include agricultural change, environmental issues, rural communities, governance and globalization, and rural responses to these.

* Rural Change and Sustainability: Key themes

Part 1: Agriculture Responses
* Fordism rampant: the model and reality, as applied to production, processing and distribution in the North American agro-food system
* Feedlot Growth in Southern Alberta: A Neo-Fordist Interpretation
* People and Hogs: Agricultural Restructuring and the Contested Countryside in Agro-Manitoba
* Global Markets, Local Foods: the paradoxes of aquaculture
* Alternative or conventional? An examination of specialist livestock production systems in the Scottish-English borders
* Agritourism: Selling traditions of local food production, family, and rural Americana to maintain family farming heritage
* Re-imaging agriculture: making the case for farming at the agricultural show

Part 2: Environmental Issues
* Stewardship, 'Proper' Farming and Environmental Gain: Contrasting Experiences of Agri-Environmental Schemes in Canada and the EU
* Stemming the urban tide: policy and attitudinal changes for saving the Canadian countryside
* Vulnerability and Sustainability Concerns for the U.S. High Plains
* Environmental Ghost Towns

Part 3: Communities
* Interpreting Family Farm Change and the Agricultural Importance of Rural Communities: Evidence from Ontario, Canada
* Engagement with the Land: Redemption of the Rural Residence Fantasy?
* Mammoth Cave National Park and Rural Economic Development
* Assessing Variation in Rural America's Housing Stock: Case Studies from Growing and Declining Areas
* The Geography of Housing Needs of Low Income Persons in Rural Canada
* Social Change in Rural North Carolina

Part 4: Governance
* Finding the 'Region' in Rural Regional Governance
* Corporate-community relations in the tourism sector: A stakeholder perspective
* Resource Town Transition: Debates After Closure
* Narratives of community-based resource management in the American West
* Youth, Partnerships and Participation
* Conclusion

S J  Essex

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A W Gilg

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Richard Yarwood

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