Dennis L. Rudnick


Dr. Dennis L. Rudnick is an Assistant Professor of Education at Metropolitan State University of Denver. He has over 25 years of experience as an educator, researcher, administrator, facilitator, program developer, consultant, and public speaker on multicultural, civil rights, and social justice issues. Dr. Rudnick formerly served as an Assistant Professor and Dean's Diversity Fellow at Missouri State University, and Associate Director of Multicultural Education and Research at Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis. Dr. Rudnick's research focuses on the relationships between identity, ideology, socialization, knowledge construction and their impacts on White anti-oppressive teacher identity development. Recent scholarship includes “The Least Racist White Person in the Room,” published in Unhooking from Whiteness (3rd ed.); “Dilemmas in Asynchronous Multicultural Teacher Education From a Relational Pedagogy Perspective,” published in the Handbook of Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education; and “Walking on Egg Shells: Colorblind Ideology and Race Talk in Teacher Education,” published in Multicultural Education Review.

Author's Books

Edited by Dennis L. Rudnick
Foreword by Zeus Leonardo

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