Sabra Brock


Sabra Brock is Chair of the Business & Accounting Department at NYSCAS in Touro University, New York City. In her full Professor role, she teaches courses in Marketing and Management. She received a PhD in business education from NYU in 2007, focusing on transformational learning. Dr. Brock publishes widely in scholarly journals and with the Touro University Press. Her books include At the Intersection of Education, Marketing, and Transformation and Discourses on Business Education at the College Level (with Peter J. McAliney). She co-founded the open innovation platform in 2015 with Australian Lynn Wood. They authored the chapter GETTING THE (POSITIVE) WORD OUT: THE IdeaSpies PLATFORM in the 2023 book The Ideas-Informed Society. Together with Drs. Laurie Bobley and Alan Sebel she founded the Touro College Academy of Leadership and Management (TCALM) as co-developer and facilitator. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Brock held global leadership positions at Citicorp, Colgate-Palmolive, DuPont, and Young & Rubicam.

Author's Books

Critical Leadership Pedagogy and Praxis Series

Sticky Cases in Higher Education Leadership

Addressing Innovation, Challenges, and Conflict


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