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The New Student Politics Edition 2
The Wingspread Statement on Student Civic Engagement
- Publisher
Campus Compact - Published
13th July 2002 - ISBN 9789990906134
- Language English
- Pages 24 pp.
- Size 7.5" x 9.5"
This report, which grew out of the 2001 Wingspread in Racine, Wisconsin, describes student political and civic engagement as defined by students at the Summit. One of the few available publications to give voice to students themselves, The New Student Politics examines contemporary conceptions of civic engagement, politics, and service and provides specific suggestions as to how campuses can improve their commitment to student civic engagement through service-learning, increased support for student political activity, and attentiveness to student voice.
“In a time when college students are often labeled as ‘apathetic’ or ‘apolitical’ or even simply mindlessly materialistic, The New Student Politics is a wonderful testimony to young people’s seriousness and desire to build a flourishing democracy, and a humane and democratic world.”
Harry Boyte, Co-Director, Center for Democracy and Citizenship, University of Minnesota
“If our efforts to educate students toward the voting booth aren’t working, we should meet our students where they are at (engaged in community service!) and help participants widen their sense of communities’ needs and possible citizen responses. The student authors of this report lead us to a rethinking of our courses, student research, and student governance.”
Cheryl Keen, Professor, Antioch College
“The New Student Politics demonstrates that we have not in fact abdicated our position in the forefront of progress, but rather have once again redesigned what progress means. This book should be required reading for all those interested in reinvigorating our democracy and finding out where the next generation is leading our nation.”
Ben Branzel, Student, Brandeis University
“The concept of an integrated ‘service politics’ is a profound, useful, and timely challenge to the conventional language of ‘moving from service to politics,’ more accurately reflecting the experiences of committed, caring students who understand service as a dimension of their public, political work."
Keith Morton, Feinstein Institute for Public Service, Providence College
“In this publication, students articulate their own points of view about how they see themselves as politically and civically engaged. Whether through fighting prejudice, voting on issues they care about, or engaging in service day-to-day, students today see themselves as working to build a stronger democracy. Understanding students’ views can help us in the field of campus community engagement, and can support students’ efforts on campus, local, national, and global levels.”
Ariane Hoy, Executive Director, Campus Outreach Opportunity League