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Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Livestock
- Publisher
CABI - Published
4th January 2011 - ISBN 9782743008727
- Language English
- Pages 2000 pp.
- Size 6.875" x 9.75"
- Images 800 illus & figures
In recent years infectious livestock diseases have swept across many countries, often with dramatic consequences for animal and public health. With climatic changes modifying the distribution of vector-born diseases, emerging novel pathogens can spread rapidly in new areas, at the same time as resistance spreads in places where they are established. This calls for new approaches for the control of parasitic diseases.
These two volumes present in detail over 130 viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases of large livestock species from all over the world, accompanied by very valuable and informative illustrations and photographs. Particular attention is also paid to the role of wildlife in their epidemiology, stressing the potential zoonotic characteristics of diseases where applicable and their effects on humans.
Volume 1
PART 1: General considerations and epidemiology
1) Economics of animal health
2) Animal diseases and international trade
3) Role of international organisations in the fields of animal and public health
4) Epidemiology of infectious diseases in livestock raised in intensive farming systems
5) Influence of climate and general considerations on the epidemiology of animal diseases in livestock raised in extensive systems
6) Infections shared by wildlife and domestic animals
7) Parasitic diseases of wildlife and domestic animals: new trends of disease emergence 8) Modelling in epidemiology: an introduction
9, 10 and 11- Ticks
12) Vectors of arboviruses
13) Cyclical vectors of trypanosomosis
14) Insects as mechanical vectors
15) Molluscs of veterinary importance
PART 2: Viral diseases
16) Morbilliviruses
17) Rinderpest
18) Peste des petits ruminants
19) Hendra virus and Nipah virus disease
20) Swine influenza
21) Equine influenza
22) Foot and mouth disease
23) Swine vesicular disease
24) Porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitides)Teschen and Talfan diseases
25) Rabies
26) Vesicular stomatitis
27) Poxviruses
28) Sheep pox and goat pox
29) Lumpy skin disease
30) Contagious ecthyma
31) Bovine papular stomatitis
32) Camelpox
33) Other poxvirus infections
34) Ruminant herpesviruses
35) Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
36) Aujeszky's disease
37) Malignant catarrhal fever
38) Bovine herpesvirus 4 infections
39) Bovine herpesvirus 5 infection
40) Caprine herpesvirus 1 infection
41) Infections by Pestiviruses
42) Bovine virus diarrhoea and mucosal disease of cattle
43) Border disease
44) Classical swine fever
45) Rotavirus infections of the digestive tract
46) Bovine coronavirus
47) Transmissible gastroenteritis and porcine respiratory coronavirus disease
48) An introduction to animal retroviruses
49) Enzootic bovine leukosis
50) Caprine arthritis-encephalitis
51) Maedi visna
52) Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma
53) Equine infectious anaemia
54) General considerations on the epidemiology of arbovirus infections of veterinary importance
55) Rift Valley fever
56) Nairobi sheep disease
57) Akabane disease
58) Bluetongue
59) African horse sickness
60) Viral meningoencephalomyelitides of Equidae
61) Wesselsbron disease
62) Bovine ephemeral fever
63) African swine fever
64) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Scrapie in sheep and goats
Volume 2
PART 3: Bacterial diseases
65) Mycoplasmas and mycoplasmoses
66) Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
67) Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
68) Contagious agalactia
69) Swine mycoplasmoses
70) Eperythrozoonoses
71) Pasteurella and Mannheimia
72) Haemorrhagic septicaemia
73) Strangles
74) Colibacillosis
75) Salmonellosis
76) Listeriosis
77) Bovine brucellosis
78) Brucellosis in small ruminants
79) Brucella ovis infection
80) Porcine brucellosis
81) Tuberculosis
82) Paratuberculosis
83) Bovine farcy
84) Dermatophilosis
85) Leptospirosis
86) Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats
87) Erysipelas
88) Glanders
89) Melioidosis
90) Anthrax
91) Enterotoxaemia and gas gangrene
92) Tetanus
93) Botulism
94) Classification of the Rickettsiales
95) Q fever
96) Anaplasmosis
97) Cowdriosis (heartwater)
98) Tropical ehrlichioses of ruminants
PART 4: Fungal diseases
99) General considerations on fungi and fungal diseases
100) Dermatophytoses
101) Aspergillosis
102) Mucormycosis
103) Candidosis
104) Cryptococcosis
105) Mycoses due to dimorphic fungi
106) Equine epizootic lymphangitis
107) Pythiosis
108) Protothecosis
PART 5: Parasitic diseases
109) Mange and demodicosis in livestock
110) Lice infections
111) Myiasis (I)) Wound myiasis and cutaneous myiasis) Digestive myiasis
112) Myiasis (II)) Myiasis of the upper respiratory tract of small ruminants and camels
113) Gastrointestinal helminthoses
114) Fasciolosis in domestic ruminants
115) Strongyloses of the respiratory tract
116) Helminthoses of muscular tissue
117) Helminthoses of the nervous system and sense organs
118) Helminthoses of the cardiovascular system
119) Helminthoses of skin, connective tissues and ligaments
120) Helminth diseases with multiple localisations
121) Coccidiosis in ruminants
122) Toxoplasmosis
123) Bovine neosporosis
124) Cryptosporidiosis in ruminants
125) Bovine babesiosis
126) Theilerioses
127, 128, 129, 130,131) Trypanosomoses
Pierre-Charles Lefèvre
Pierre-Charles Lefèvre is at the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs.
Jean Blancou
Jean Blancou is at the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
Rene Chermette
Rene Chermette is at the Alfort National Veterinary School.
Gerrit Uilenberg
Gerrit Uilenberg is formerly Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrech (The Netherlands) and formerly scientific director for animal health of CIRAD-EMVT.