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Domestic Duck Production
Science and Practice
- Publisher
CABI - Published
16th November 2011 - ISBN 9781845939557
- Language English
- Pages 272 pp.
- Size 6.75" x 9.75"
- Images graphs & b/w photos
- Publisher
CABI - Published
5th August 2008 - ISBN 9780851990545
- Language English
- Pages 272 pp.
- Size 6.75" x 9.75"
- Images graphs & b/w photos
This is a paper version of the successful book on duck production. Ducks are kept for profit in a great diversity of circumstances in both temperate and tropical climates. Outlining the biology of the domestic duck, this book also combines the authors' considerable practical and scientific experience to provide quantitative descriptions of nutritional and environmental effects on growing and breeding ducks, as well as practical advice on husbandry, housing and management. It is an essential resource for duck industry practitioners, researchers, and students.
"It is a must for libraries of most ecological and botanical institutions and will be very handy on the shelf for plant evasion ecologists."
- Basic and Applied Ecology
1. History and biology of the domestic duck
2. Systems of production
3. Housing and environment
4. Husbandry of table duckling
5. Nutrition and factors affecting body composition
6. Rearing of parent stock
7. Management of breeding ducks
8. Fertility and hatchability
9. Genetic improvement