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Beef Cattle Production Systems
- Publisher
CABI - Published
5th December 2014 - ISBN 9781845937959
- Language English
- Pages 332 pp.
- Size 6.875" x 9.75"
- Images graphs, tables & b/w photos
- Request Exam Copy
- Publisher
CABI - Published
12th December 2014 - ISBN 9781780645070
- Language English
- Pages 332 pp.
- Size 6.875" x 9.75"
- Images graphs, tables & b/w photos
- Request Exam Copy
This textbook provides an integrated view of beef cattle production with a systems based approach, discussing the interrelationships of a broad range of aspects with the overall goal of optimizing cattle production. This book provides the background to allow cattle producers to match their production environments with genetic, management, and marketing opportunities for sustainable beef production globally. This logic and resulting considerations can then be tailored to address specific regional challenges and opportunities worldwide. Considerations and examples for extreme situations will be provided, such as very small herds, very large herds, communal-group situations, and minimal artificial input systems.
This practical book will be important reading for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students in animal and veterinary science, producers, extension workers and veterinarians.
1 Introduction to Beef Cattle Production Systems
2 History and Domestication
3 Breeding and Genetics
4 Nutrition
5 Grazing and Pasture Management
6 Live Animal Evaluation
7 Growth and Development
8 Reproduction
9 Health
10 Behavior, Temperament, Handling and Welfare
11 Carcass and Meat
12 Financial and Economic Aspects
13 Supply Chain and Integrated Production Systems
14 Global Comparisons of Cattle and Beef