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Top 100 Questions and Answers about Fleas and Pets
- Publisher
CABI - Published
11th December 2019 - ISBN 9781789245486
- Language English
- Pages 60 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Images color photos
If you have a flea problem, you're probably trying to solve it - unfortunately, flea infestations are very difficult to eliminate!
Thankfully, we now know more about the biology and treatment of fleas than ever before, which has led to safe, effective, and affordable treatments, both on pets and in the environment. This book provides an easy introduction to the world of fleas, and a flea-educated owner is an owner able to effectively prevent, control and treat infestations. Detailing the most effective treatment and prevention options, the book:
- Provides accessible and easy to understand information about fleas and their control;
- Describes the changes in animal and human health when flea infestations occur;
- Includes practical advice pitched at a level for both owners and veterinary nurses.
1: Basics of Fleas
2: Fleas and Pets
3: Fleas and People
4: Sorting Out Flea Problems
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