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Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management Edition 5
- Publisher
CABI - Published
23rd December 2020 - ISBN 9781789242249
- Language English
- Pages 536 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
- Publisher
CABI - Published
23rd December 2020 - ISBN 9781789242232
- Language English
- Pages 536 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
This fifth edition of Equine Reproductive Physiology Breeding and Stud Management provides a thorough grounding in equine reproductive anatomy and physiology for equine, animal and veterinary science students. Including all aspects of breeding and stud management, it contains detailed coverage on the management of mares, stallions and foals, as well as stud management practicalities such as infertility, artificial insemination and
advanced reproductive techniques.
This new edition provides:
- Practical, stud management applications underpinned by scientific research;
- New material on techniques and advances such as in vitro embryo production, cloning, transgenics and DNA technology;
- Increased pedagogic features such as video links, glossary, review questions, and a new internal design.
Updated throughout with new references, this textbook continues to provide an authoritative treatise of equine reproduction for students, practicing veterinary surgeons and stud managers.
"This is a well-organized and informative textbook that will provide readers with foundational-level knowledge of equine reproduction at an excellent price."
Section A: Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology of the Mare
Chapter 1: Mare Reproductive Anatomy
Chapter 2: Control of Reproduction in the Mare
Chapter 3: Pregnancy
Chapter 4: Parturition
Chapter 5: Lactation
Chapter 6: Stallion Reproductive Anatomy
Chapter 7: Control of Reproduction in the Stallion
Chapter 8: Selection of the Mare for Breeding
Chapter 9: Preparation of the Mare for Breeding
Chapter 10: Management of the Mare at Mating
Chapter 11: Management of the Pregnant Mare
Chapter 12: Management of the Mare at Parturition
Chapter 13: Management of the Mare during Lactation and at Weaning
Chapter 14: Infertility in the Mare
Chapter 15: Selection of the Stallion for breeding
Chapter 16: Preparation of the Stallion for Breeding and Mating Management
Chapter 17: General Stallion Management
Chapter 18: Infertility in the Stallion
Chapter 19: Management of the Young Foal
Chapter 20: Management of Weaning and Youngstock
Section F: Assisted Reproductive technologies
Chapter 21: Artificial Insemination
Chapter 22: Embryo Transfer
Chapter 23: Advanced reproductive Techniques