The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) was formed as a home for veterinary professionals who want to engage in direct care programs for animals in need and educate the public and others in the profession about animal welfare issues. HSVMA uses its expertise and resources to advance animal welfare via leadership, advocacy, education and service.

CABI is pleased to offer HSVMA members a discount to support the work of the HSVMA. With more than 100 years of scientific research, CABI’s publishing brings together knowledge, information and evidence based research to help researchers and practitioners complete their academic and professional development. CABI supports study, practice and development across the applied life sciences through books, eBooks, compendia and online resources, including our world renowned CAB Abstracts and Global Health.

Mental Health and Well-Being in Animals Edition 2

November 2019
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    18th November 2019
  • ISBN 9781786393401
  • Language English
  • Pages 384 pp.
  • Size 7" x 9"

The second edition is fully revised, expanded, and comprehensively updated with the most current knowledge about the full array of mental health issues seen in animals. Written by key opinion leaders, internationally-recognized experts and specialists, it is comprehensive, covering basic principles to mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness, through to measurement and treatment. With even more practical information and clinical pearls, this book remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers.

"Featuring twenty-five articles organized into five major sections, Mental Health and Well-Being in Animals collectively covers basic principles regarding the mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness of animals, including both measurement and treatment. With even more practical information and clinical pearls, this new edition of Mental Health and Well-Being in Animals remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers....Exceptionally well organized, ideal as a veterinary curriculum textbook and is unreservedly recommended for college and university library Veterinary Medicine collections and supplemental studies reading lists."

- Bookwatch

Part 1: Foundational Issues of Animal Mental Health and Well-being
1: Mental Health in Animals: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s View
2: The Problems with Well-Being Terminology
3: The Philosophical and Biological Evolution of Feelings in Well-being
4: The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health
Part 2: The Pleasant Experiences: Mental Wellness
5: Moving Beyond a Problem-based Focus on Poor Animal Welfare Towards Creating Opportunities to Have Positive Welfare Experiences
6: The Mental Health and Well-being Benefits of Personal Control in Animals
7: Quality of Life of Animals in Veterinary Medical Practice
8: The Mental Health and Well-Being Benefits of Social Contact and Social Support in Animals
9: Subjective Well-being, Happiness, and Personality in Animals
10: Fostering Mental and Behavioral Wellness During Upbringing and Throughout Life
Part 3: The Unpleasant Experiences: Distress, Suffering, and Mental Illness
11: What Is Distress? A Complex Answer to a Simple Question
12: Suffering, Agency, and the Bayesian Mind
13: Mental Illness in Animals: Diagnostic Considerations Using Selected Mental Disorders
14: Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Psychopathology in Animals
Part 4: Mental Health Issues in Special Populations
15: Cognitive and Emotional Disorders in the Aging Pet
16: Mental Health Issues in Farm Animals: A Music Mixing Board Model of Behavioral Characteristics Using The Panksepp Emotional System
17: Mental Health Issues in the Horse
18: Mental Health Issues in Shelter Animals
19: The Mental Health of Laboratory Animals
20: Mental Health Issues in Captive Birds
21: Psychological Well-Being in Zoo Animals
22: Mental Health Issues in Captive Cetaceans
Part 5: Assessment and Management of Emotional Distress and Disorders
23: Assessing Affective States in Animals
24: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Non-Pharmacologic Methods
25: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Pharmacologic Methods

Franklin D. McMillan

Franklin D. McMillan is with Best Friends Animal Society, USA.