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Veterinary Clinical Skills Manual

June 2018
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    21st June 2018
  • ISBN 9781786391629
  • Language English
  • Pages 412 pp.
  • Size 7.5" x 9.625"
  • Images figures & b/w & color photos
  •    Request Exam Copy

Down-to-earth and intensely practical, this book and video package describes in a step-by-step way the essential clinical skills that veterinary students need to acquire before they face clinical situations in the real world of the busy veterinary clinic.

- Contains step-by-step illustrations and photographs, and videos of clinical procedures which can be viewed on your desktop, smartphone or tablet
- Covers the essential key skills that you need to know, with more available online
- Details a whole range of skills from: surgical, anaesthesia, laboratory, through to everyday essential skills and diagnostic skills in both farm and companion animals
- The use of simulators in learning key skills is covered in depth
- Get advice on preparing for OSCEs and practical exams

This book is the go-to manual for an essential grounding in key veterinary clinical skills for all students and educators of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry.

Section 1: Introduction
Foreword—Prof David Church
Editor’s Note—Nichola Coombes & Dr Ayona Silva-Fletcher
How to use this book—Nichola Coombes
1. Developing veterinary clinical skills, the pedagogy—Prof Stephen May
2.The modern outcome-based curriculum and the role of clinical skills laboratory—Associate Prof. Ayona Silva-Fletcher
3.The Variety of Clinical Skills Centre Models relevant to location—Nichola Coombes, Ayona Silva-Fletcher, Julie Williamson, Stacy Anderson, B. Otgontugs, N. Odontsetseg, Aruna Amarasinghe, M.L.A.N.R Deepani, Catherine. J. Wager and Desiree Karlsson

Section 2: Surgical Theatre Skills
Section editor – Fiona Brown
4.Theatre Practice—Fiona Brown
5.Surgical Instruments—Alison Young
6.The Fundamentals of Suturing—Nicola Kulendra

Section 3: Anaesthesia
Section editor – Fiona Brown
7.The Anaesthetic machine—Dr Christopher Seymour and Fiona Brown
8a. Breathing Systems—Dr Christopher Seymour and Fiona Brown
8b. Intubation and Monitoring Anaesthesia—Caroline Hoy, Dr Christopher Seymour and Fiona

Section 4: Principles and good practice in the Laboratory
Section editor – Alison Langridge
9a. Introduction to Laboratory—Kate English and Alison Langridge
9b. Principles in sample collection—Kate English and Alison Langridge
10. Using a microscope and preparing samples—Kate English and Alison Langridge
11. Urine and Faecal Analysis—Kate English and Alison Langridge

Section 5: General Clinical Skills
Section editor – Alison Langridge
12. Physical examination, fluid therapy, tube and drain management—Karen Humm
13. Principles of small animal bandaging—Alison Langridge
14. Pharmacy—Hilary Orpet

Section 6: Patient Handling & Diagnostics
Section Editor – Isobel Vincent
15. General principles of animal handling—Dr Isobel Vincent
16. Diagnostic Imaging—Dr Pete Mantis and Victoria Watts
17. Radiography of the Equine Tarsus—Prof Renate Weller

Section 7: Large animal skills
Section Editor – Dr Isobel Vincent,
18. Udder Health—John Fishwick and Dr Isobel Vincent
19. Equine procedures—Dr Imogen Johns
20. Equine Shoe Removal—Prof Renate Weller

Section 8: Assessment in Clinical Skills
Section Editor – Dr Matthew Pead
21. Practical Assessments – the basis of scoring performance in assessments in a simulated
Environment—Dr Matthew Pead
22. OSCE’s - the practicalities in the CSC environment—Nichola Coombes

Section 9: Moving Forward
23. Model design, creation, validation & use—Rachel Lumbis
24. Simulators in a simulated environment, variation and use—Dr Tierney Kinnison
25. Transition between the skills lab and the real world—Desiree Janine Herrick

Conclusion—Dr Ayona Silva-Fletcher and Nichola Coombes

Nichola Coombes

Nichola Coombes is the Manager of the Clinical Skills Centre at the Royal Veterinary College, UK. Initially trained as a veterinary nurse, Nichola later gained an MSc in Veterinary Education to advance scholarship in teaching and learning. In her current role, Nichola teaches and assesses clinical skills for veterinary nurses, undergraduate veterinary students and postgraduate students. Nichola's research is based on facilitation and acquisition of veterinary practical and clinical skills. Nichola has been awarded the James Bee Educator Award in 2004-05 and again in 2009-10 for her contributions to teaching.

Ayona Silva-Fletcher

Ayona Silva-Fletcher is the Course director for the MSc in Veterinary Education at the Royal Veterinary College, UK and has over 25 years of experience in teaching and research in UK Higher Education. Initially trained as a veterinarian and with a PhD in Ruminant Nutrition, Ayona did a formal qualification in education and graduated with an MA in Medical Education in 2010. Ayona's research profile now includes veterinary faculty development, distance education and elephant nutrition. In 2012, Ayona was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in the UK for her contributions to veterinary education.