The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) was formed as a home for veterinary professionals who want to engage in direct care programs for animals in need and educate the public and others in the profession about animal welfare issues. HSVMA uses its expertise and resources to advance animal welfare via leadership, advocacy, education and service.

CABI is pleased to offer HSVMA members a discount to support the work of the HSVMA. With more than 100 years of scientific research, CABI’s publishing brings together knowledge, information and evidence based research to help researchers and practitioners complete their academic and professional development. CABI supports study, practice and development across the applied life sciences through books, eBooks, compendia and online resources, including our world renowned CAB Abstracts and Global Health.

Practical Feline Behaviour

Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

August 2018
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    14th August 2018
  • ISBN 9781780647838
  • Language English
  • Pages 286 pp.
  • Size 7.5" x 9.625"
  • Images line illus
  •    Request Exam Copy

Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that anyone involved with the care of house cats needs to understand to handle feline behavior and improve welfare.

There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behavior in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with the care of cats, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these advances.

This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences: on feline behavior; on communication, learning, and social behavior; on the relationship between behavior and disease; and on the cat-human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behavior problems should be addressed and how to avoid them.

In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviorist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behavior resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions.

Foreword by John Bradshaw

Part One – Feline Behaviour
1. The Origin and Evolution of the Domestic Cat
2. The Senses
3. Feline Communication
4. Social, Feeding and Predatory Behaviour
5. Kitten to Cat - Reproduction and the Behavioural Development of Kittens
6. Health and Behaviour
7. Learning, Training and Behaviour

Part Two – Handling in Practice
8. Advice for Breeders
9. Advice for Prospective Cat Owners
10. Advice for Cat Owners
11. Advice for Veterinary Professionals
12. Advice for Other Cat Carers
