The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) was formed as a home for veterinary professionals who want to engage in direct care programs for animals in need and educate the public and others in the profession about animal welfare issues. HSVMA uses its expertise and resources to advance animal welfare via leadership, advocacy, education and service.

CABI is pleased to offer HSVMA members a discount to support the work of the HSVMA. With more than 100 years of scientific research, CABI’s publishing brings together knowledge, information and evidence based research to help researchers and practitioners complete their academic and professional development. CABI supports study, practice and development across the applied life sciences through books, eBooks, compendia and online resources, including our world renowned CAB Abstracts and Global Health.

Practical Veterinary Forensics

Edited by David Bailey
August 2016
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    2nd August 2016
  • ISBN 9781780642949
  • Language English
  • Pages 222 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"

General practitioner veterinarians often come into contact with the law in cases of animal cruelty, domestic animal and wildlife crimes, and human crimes with an animal element. An area of veterinary practice for which there is no formal training and few resources, this book provides practical information and training on how to operate within a crime scene and the tests that may need to be performed, including collecting evidence, preparing reports, and giving evidence in court as an expert witness.

The book concentrates on the basic principles and background knowledge needed, including hair, DNA, blood, and bite mark analysis as well as an overview of firearms injury. It explores wider concepts such as the human-animal bond and one health, going on to give practical guidance and numerous case studies which bring the book to life and into the real world of the busy crime scene.


1. What is Veterinary Forensics?

2. Forensic Reasoning, Philosophy and Argument Construction

3. Introduction to Law for Animal Workers

4. A One Health Approach: Emergency Situations and Anti-terrorism

5. Evidence Collection and Gathering

6. Crime Scene Evidence: Hair

7. Crime Scene Evidence: DNA

8. Crime Scene Evidence: Firearms and Ballistics

9. Crime Scene Evidence: Blood and Blood Pattern Analysis

10. Crime Scene Evidence: Understanding the Value of Documentary Evidence

11. Toxicology and Chemical Analysis

12. Courtroom and Media Skills

13. Report Writing

14. Conclusion: The Animal-Human Relationship

David Bailey

David Bailey is at Staffordshire University, UK.