The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) was formed as a home for veterinary professionals who want to engage in direct care programs for animals in need and educate the public and others in the profession about animal welfare issues. HSVMA uses its expertise and resources to advance animal welfare via leadership, advocacy, education and service.

CABI is pleased to offer HSVMA members a discount to support the work of the HSVMA. With more than 100 years of scientific research, CABI’s publishing brings together knowledge, information and evidence based research to help researchers and practitioners complete their academic and professional development. CABI supports study, practice and development across the applied life sciences through books, eBooks, compendia and online resources, including our world renowned CAB Abstracts and Global Health.

Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care

February 2015
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    20th February 2015
  • ISBN 9781780641904
  • Language English
  • Pages 242 pp.
  • Size 7.5" x 9.625"
  • Images color photos throughout

This book is an essential, thorough, very practical guide to understanding and caring for your rabbit. By following the advice in this book, both rabbit owners and veterinary health professionals report healthier and more content rabbits. Developed from the successful Norwegian text Den Store Kaninboka by the award-winning author Marit Emilie Buseth, Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care will help you:

• develop an understanding of the rabbit’s nature, which will help you to spot normal and abnormal behavior;
• learn about the correct living conditions in which to keep domestic rabbits, in terms of their behavioral, physical and social needs;
• acquire essential knowledge about rabbit nutrition, dentistry and disease;
• discover a new and improved approach to rabbit-keeping through stories and case examples of real rabbits;
• gain a rewarding owner–pet relationship.

Rabbits are extremely popular pets, but misconceptions about their care and behavior are widespread. Most illnesses or behaviour problems are a direct or indirect result of poor nutrition and care. This book helps veterinarians and rabbit owners to overcome these challenges by understanding the rabbit’s nature and needs.

Foreword to the Norwegian Edition

1. The Origins and Development of Rabbits
2. The Rabbit as a Companion Animal
3. Behaviour, Learning and Communication
4. Social Rabbits
5. From Snout to Tail
6. Rabbit Nutrition
7. Neutering
8. Cleanliness and Hygiene
9. Rabbit Housing and Conditions
10. House Rabbits and Rabbit-proofing of the Home
11. Life Outdoors
12. Reproduction and Breeding Control
